attendance and participation each day is important. I expect you
will attend each scheduled class meeting unless you are ill or have an
emergency. After one (1) absence, your final grade will be lowered
AT LEAST one (1) increment (e.g. B+ to C+) for each day missed thereafter.
NOTE: If you are late to class, it is your responsibility to see me AT
THE END OF THAT CLASS PERIOD to make sure you are marked present.
If you do not take care of the attendance at that time, I will not change
the attendance record at a latter date. I HIGHLY VALUE PROMPT
assignments are due AT CLASS TIME on the the date announced or assigned.
Late assignments for whatever reason will be penalized one (1) full grade
(e.g. B to C) for each calendar day late.
not be assigned unless the requirements and conditions stipulated by the
university are met. Incompletes are not routinely assigned if you
are slow in getting work done or not responsible in management of your
time. I make clear when assignments are due and sufficient lead time
is given for you to plan your work schedules to meet course deadlines,
therefore, incompletes are for use in emergencies only.
TESTS-- The exams
will be due AT CLASS TIME on the dates announced. If the exam is not in
hand at that time, you will receive a "zero" for the exam. Since
the questions are available to you in advance, there is no reason why your
exam will not be ready. If you will miss the class for some reason,
give your completed exam to someone who will submit it for you at or before
class time. You may also submit your exam via email at or before
class time.
CHEATING--I assume
that you will help each other think about the course material as you prepare
your take-home exams. However, I also expect that the answers written
will reflect your conclusions regarding the questions. I follow the
departmental policy on plagiarism. Cheating on exams will result
in failure on the exam and a report to the Department Chair of the incident.
DROPPING--I follow
the departmental policy on dropping. Be sure you drop by the end
of the second week if you are at all inclined to do so because I will be
very difficult about dropping after that. I will require some kind
of documentation of extenuating circumstances to drop after that
time. Make your decision early if you are shopping.