You will select a topic of interest to you that is related to the foci of this course to explore in some depth. You will do research on the topic requiring reading beyond the texts or material I have on reserve. However, these materials may certainly be used in this project as well.
The presentation will be 10 minutes (min.) to 15 minutes (max.) in length.
The presentation will bring new ideas and insights to your colleagues, expanding our understanding of the nature of and relationships of communication, self and society.
You will:
1) provide a copy of your outline including a bibliographic list of works you read in preparation for the presentation for each class member
2) handout(s) including figures, models or diagrams, quotations, statistics or other ancillary material as needed to assist colleagues in understanding your presentation.
3) develop visual aids for use in your presentation
4) practice your presentation before making it to the class