Website/Historic Site Review : Visit a public history site or website and write up a report with these essential elements:
- site location, presentation(s), date(s)
- mission statement (is it obvious and does the site meet its mission)
- synopsis of presentation
- evaluation of presentation
- factual (is it accurate)
- interpretive (what is your impression)
- accessibility
- audience
- what would you do differently had you been in charge and why?
Ethics interview : Interview an administrator or appropriate department head of a museum, library, archives, or historical agency and write up a report with these essential elements:
- ask the individual about one or two major ethical considerations that he or she believes may confront anyone in historical resources management
- ask the individual about what he or she sees as a particular problem / challenge area related to public history
- what solutions would you offer to these issues?
Grant Application : Write a grant to fund a Sacramento neighborhood history project using one of the following funding sources:
Save Our History (
California Stories Fund (
CCPH mini-grants (
RCA grants (
Follow the guidelines for the appropriate granting institution.
Simulated Project : Create an imaginary public history institution / or consultant’s project with the following elements (project will be broken into two parts):
Part I (project proposal, 3-4 pages in length):
- preface (includes statement of purpose)
- a discussion of the need for the institution or project
- a brief survey of comparable institutions or projects
- a preliminary budget for the project (including preservation/conservation)
- a timeline for completion
Part II (final report):
- Cover Page
- Title Page
- Table of Illustrations (maps, photos, tables, charts, etc.)
- Preface (includes mission statement /statement of purpose)
- Report should be 17-25 pages long. For institution include:
- a collections policy (provide context of existing collection)
- an acquisitions policy
- an institutional affiliation (if any)
- an interpretive exhibit or interpretive program
- Report for Consultant
- narrative of findings of the study
- Endnotes
- Budget (where will monies come from and where will they go?
- detail as to income
- expenses
- fundraising – operating and endowment
- bookkeeping / accounting procedures
- Staff policy
- job descriptions
- minimum educational requirements
- applicant assessment form
- Timeline for completing the full project
- Vita (resume)
Feel free to let your imagination take over but keep it logically consistent. Your project will be evaluated by two class members. Your proposal is due Oct. 3 and you need to bring one copy per student to class. The final report is due for presentation on Nov. 28 or Dec. 5. Provide a copy of the report to me prior to your presentation date (preferably by the Thursday before class). You should also provide at least an outline of your report for all other seminar members. You may make changes to your report before submitting the final version to me on Dec. 12.
