You will have reading to do for each class period and the detailed class schedule makes those assignments very clear. There are three texts for this class; all are available at the campus bookstore. Please bring the appropriate book or books to class. We will refer to them directly as part of our class exercises.
The examinations make up the main portion of your grade in this course. There will be two exams during the semester. They will not be cumulative, but will come out of class discussions and will be conducted in essay format. Makeup exams will only be permitted for officially documented excuses. No documentation - No makeup.
The research paper makes up 30% of your graded work for this course. Each student will choose a specific theme in urban history to research in depth for the semester. You must use at least five primary sources and five secondary sources for your research. We will discuss this in greater detail as the course progresses. The paper should be 8-10 pages long. Once again, no late papers will be accepted without a documented excuse.
Class participation rounds out your course work. Students are expected to attend class daily and to contribute to discussion. Attendance without discussion will net you only a grade of C on this portion of your work. Skip class at your own risk.
Final Examination: Mon. Dec. 15, 2003 12:45-2:45
