Steps to Request Feedback/Share with a Reviewer - Web Folio (5 steps)
Below each step is a "screen shot" of what the process looks like in TaskStream.

Step 1
  1. When in the Web Folio that is to be shared, click on Publish/Share.
Step 2
  1. After clicking on Publish/Share, then click on Request Feedback (Share with Reviewer).
  2. Also this is the place to E-mail or Publish to the Web, but we are focusing on #1 for now.
Step 3
  1. If there is a specific part of the folio that you want comments for, click on the round button next to Specific areas of the folio, then click continue.
Step 4
  1. If you had clicked on Specific areas... next click on the specific area, such as Links on the example below:
Step 5
  1. Click on the person(s) that you want to share your work with, and receive comments from.
  2. In the example below, Mark is selected, then just click Share with Reviewer to complete the process.