Content Area Resources (example of what to do)


1.     Provide Name of the web site resource and the URL address.

a.     National Library of Virtual Manipulatives  (NLVM) was developed by Utah State University and the National Science Foundation


2.     Identify and summarize the learning content and the web site.

a.     The NLVM website resource provides interactive learning activities covering various math topics. The math topics include numbers and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, and data analysis and probability. The website includes lessons related to the online interactive activities, and teachers can setup classes for students, allowing some tracking of the students work. Additionally, the site is collaborative, accepting lesson or activity suggestions from teachers.

3.     Describe a specific example of student use.

a.     Link to the specific page where student begins learning task.


b.    Describe what the student does.

                                                             i.      Students go through the lesson on Algebra Balance Scales: Solving simple linear equations using a balance beam representation.

                                                           ii.      In an interactive web page students see an equation and a balance beam, and must manipulate (drag & drop) variables and numbers from the equation on the balance beam to represent the equation.

                                                        iii.      Next students apply arithmetic operations to the equation to solve the linear equation.

                                                        iv.      Students are immediately provided feedback on their work.

                                                           v.      Individual activities could be assigned to students for practice, and if a class was setup the work could be montiored.

c.      List the content standard.

                                                             i.      Algebra I

                                                           ii.      Symbolic reasoning and calculations with symbols are central in algebra. Through the study of algebra, a student develops an understanding of the symbolic language of mathematics and the sciences. In addition, algebraic skills and concepts are developed and used in a wide variety of problem-solving situations.

§        4.0 Students simplify expressions before solving linear equations and inequalities in one variable, such as 3(2x-5) + 4(x-2) = 12.

4.     Describe requirements to use the website.

a.     Check the computers that students will use to access the site.

b.     All of the eNLVM lessons require Java, some require use Flash, a few require Shockwave and Quicktime. These are standard programs that can be safely loaded on computers. Teacher published lessons may link to websites that require other software.