Social Work 140C:

Social Work Practice III

California State University, Sacramento 

Tuesday, Thursday, 9:00 - 10:15 AM

Math/History 115 Instructor: Arline Prigoff



Course Objectives
Reading Materials
Other Materials
Course Units

Catalog Description: .

SW 140C This course supports and encourages maximum application of academic knowledge and concepts of generalist practice in the provision of helping services during the field experience. Students will be provided with resources and opportunities for growth in self awareness and self evaluation in service delivery.

Prerequisite: SWRK 140B. Corequisite: SWRK 195B. Spring only.



Spring, 1998

Arline Prigoff, LCSW, Ph.D.

Bus 3125, 278-7170

Office Hours: Tues. 1-4 PM, or by appointment


I. Course Description

This is the third and final course in the Undergraduate Practice Sequence. The major purposes of this course are: 1) to support the student in practice in the field setting by expanding the range and expertise of the student's practice approaches; 2) to enhance the student's ability to engage in various levels of practice modalities; 3) to strengthen assessment and intervention skills in social work BSW roles: case management, counseling and community group work, social work with children and youth. This course builds upon practice knowledge acquired in Generalist Practice I: ecological perspective, community asset mapping, foundation communication skills, self-awareness, ethics, generalist helping frameworks, and knowledge acquired in Generalist Practice II: community and individual work with diverse populations, assessment and intervention skills within various counseling modalities, ethnographic approach, social justice, and ethics.


II. Theoretical Framework

Counseling, advocacy, communication, and service development skills are the cornerstone of generalist practice. Case management demands mastery of these skills and thus provides an excellent backdrop for this course. Case management expertise is expected for baccalaureate level practitioners.

The ecological perspective will be applied to our work with children and adolescents. Generalist practitioners should be prepared to work in a variety of fields related to youth and family development. Assessment and intervention issues will be explored.

Social work's concurrent attention to process and outcome will undergird our exploration of group work. Social workers are depicted as excellent leaders of coalition, community and counseling groups because of our person-in-environment orientation and our communication skills.

The strengths framework is woven throughout the course. The client's own skills, talents, and aspirations are depicted to be at the center of case management efforts. Methods used to facilitate worker-client engagement as well as foster client empowerment and self help are reviewed.


III. Course Objectives

1) Acquire knowledge of the role of case management in human services, the assumptions underlying case management and problems with these assumptions. Demonstrate the ability to implement interventions.(Demonstrated by role-plays,mid-term.)

2) Enhance file building skills, develop a case plan and evaluate one's practice.(Demonstrated by social assessment, mid-term.)

3) Demonstrate knowledge of the assumptions, principles, and methods of the strengths perspective in social work practice. (Demonstrated by role-plays, mid-term examination)

4) Identify service structures and intervention styles that maximize client self-determination. (Demonstrated by role-plays, mid-term examination, group process paper)

5) Understand developmental, psychological, sociological, and cultural issues of children and adolescents. (Demonstrated by role-plays, mid-term examination, class discussion)

6) Understand issues of micro-meso-macro assessment and intervention for children and adolescents. (Demonstrated by role-plays, mid-term examination, class discussion)

7) Understand the process of victimization and trauma for abused/neglected children and develop strategies that enhance coping and success oriented behavior. (Demonstrated by role-plays, mid-term examination, class discussion)

8) Identify social justice struggles and practice strategies for communities struggling with the impacts of welfare reform (Demonstrated by group assignment, class discussion)

9) Understand group theory and be able to implement components of successful group process. (Demonstrated by in-class group assignments, group process paper)

10) Identify and analyze roles played by group members and assume leadership in groups. (Demonstrated by in-class group assignments, group process paper)

11) Understand the issues involved in community groups vis-a-vis treatment groups. (Demonstrated by in-class group assignments, group process paper)

12) Demonstrate social work practice which is consistent with the social work code of ethics. (Demonstrated by role-plays, mid-term exam, in-class group assignments, group process paper)

13) Develop an area of expertise or interest that can serve as a springboard for future employment, service development efforts or further research. (Demonstrated by special interest paper)


IV. Course Format

The course will be conducted as a practice-based laboratory experience. While maintaining confidentiality, students will draw upon their field experiences as a source for classroom vignettes and experiential exercises. Structured group exercises will occur to provide group process experiences. It is essential that you attend class and are prompt. Missing classes hurts your chances for achieving an "A" range grade for attendance/participation (18-20 points). Missing more than three classes jeopardizes your receiving a passing grade for the course.

Group experiences are more meaningful when there is group member continuity. If the group experience is, for whatever reason, difficult or unfulfilling, you need to find a solution. Your solution cannot involve avoidance of the group. Please consult with the group or with me for assistance.

This course demands your active participation. Take risks even if the environment does not feel completely "safe." You will not meaningfully act in any environment if you do not take risks.

In order to enhance feelings of safety and to create a positive learning environment, students in the class are responsible to:

1. Attend class regularly

2. Be prompt in attendance

3. Read the assigned material

4. Get needs met by interacting with classmates and by raising concerns and criticisms with the instructor.

5. Work hard

6. Refrain from ridiculing others

7. Acknowledge expressions of bigotry. In other words, rather than to attribute a negative characteristic to a social group or to a member of that group, you begin with, "this is how I have been taught to believe," or "I hate to admit it but I do have the belief that..."

8. Activate a commitment to personal growth and self-exploration

9. Behave in a non-violent manner


V. Assignments and Grading

Attendance, Participation in Laboratory Role-Plays 15 Points

Social Assessment 15 Points

Mid-term Exam on Case Management:

Planning, Intervention, Evaluation 20 Points

Paper on Group Process, Analysis of Group Structure 25 Points

Area of Interest Paper 25 Points

100 Points

VI. Required Texts

Hancock, Molly R. and Millar, Kenneth I.(1993). Cases for Intervention Planning: A Source Book. Chicago: Nelson-Hall.

Toseland, R. & Rivas, R. (1998). An Introduction to Group Work Practice. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Woodside, M. & McClam, T. (1998). Generalist Case Management: A Method of Human Service Delivery. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.


VII. Course Outline

Week 1

Introduction to course and expectations. Students share concerns and goals for course. The need for the student to integrate an ethical and critical perspective as part of her/his professional identity is presented.


Week 2

Overview of case management. Review of task-centered approach. Setting goals and objectives. Contracting. Advocacy within systems and toward the creation of systems. Legal and social service environment.


Woodside & McClam, Chapters 1 and 2, pp. 1-60.

Case for Role-Play: Battered Wife; Diane Kingston

Hancock & Millard, Chapter 8, pp. 37-39.


Week 3

Case management roles. Principles of client-centered case management. Case management and empowerment: new approaches.


Woodside & McClam, Chapter 3, pp. 61-85).

Case for Role-Play: Rape; Celene Horvath

Hancock & Millard, Chapter 20, pp. 95-97.


Week 4

Engagement/Relationship building skills.Case management assessment. Culturally competent case management practice. Ethical issues.


Woodside, M. & McClam, T. Chapters 4,5,10 pp. 87-139, 279-300.

Case for Role-Play: Battered Wife; Katrina Newman

Hancock & Millard, Chapter 9, pp. 40-43.


Week 5

Service provision within the case management framework. Coordinating service and advocacy. Partializing tasks. Ego support and cognitive approaches. Issues in file building: confidentiality, utility, specificity.


Woodside, M. & McClam, T. (1998), Chapters 6,7,8, pp. 139-248.

Case for Role-Play: Aging; Clifford and Jean Roberts

Hancock & Millard, Chapter 17, pp. 85-87.


Week 6

Ecological assessment and intervention with children and youth. Programs and policies that are children-oriented. At-risk and resilience perspectives.


Toseland, R. & Rivas, R. (1998). Chapter 1, pp. 1-45.

Case for Role-Play:Teenage Suicide Attempt; The Dolbeck Family

Hancock & Millard, Chapter 11, pp. 48-54.


Week 7

Abused/Victimized children, trauma. School issues and intervention. Collaborative approaches. Introduction to group work: task and treatment groups. First group exercise.


Toseland, R. & Rivas, R. (1998). Chapter 8, pp. 201-230.

Case for Role-Play: Physical Child Abuse; Hank Peters and Family

Hancock & Millard, Chapter 4, pp. 17-23.



Week 8

Group dynamics: group developmental stages and group culture. Confidentiality. Diversity issues. Attending to individual and group well being. Planning the group: recruitment and orientation, deciding on purpose and structure.


Toseland, R. & Rivas, R.(1998). Chapters 3,6, pp. 66-90, 145-171.

Case for Role-Play: Community Problem; Hari Bindranath.

Hancock & Millard, Chapter 22, pp. 105-107.


Week 9

Leadership styles. Empowerment and self-determination of group members. Strengths perspective and group work. Group leader roles and skills. Groups to prepare for Mid-Term examination.


Toseland, R. & Rivas, R. (1998). Chapters 4,5, pp. 91-142.

Case for Role-Play: Community Problem; Beaver Creek Reservation.

Hancock & Millard, Chapter 21, pp. 101-104.


Week 10








Week 11

Beginning and middle phases of group development. Sustaining task and counseling groups. Structuring the group's work. Assessing the group's (and individual's) progress. Decision-making regarding taboo issue exploration. Member roles.


Toseland, R. & Rivas, R. Chapters 7, Review 8, 9, pp. 175-261.

Case for Role-Play: Group Work; Roseland Park Seniors Club

Hancock & Millard, Chapter 24, pp. 112-116.


Week 12

Middle phase task group work. Running meetings. Effective collaboratives and coalitions. Specific issues with children's groups.


Toseland, R. & Rivas, R. (1998). Chapter 11, pp. 295-328.

Case for Role-Play: Group Work; Bereaved Parents Group

Hancock & Millard, Chapter 23, pp. 108-111.


Week 13

Evaluation and termination phase of group development. Maintenance or dissolution of group cohesion? Planning for the future: Group members to terminate group. Social work and substance abuse intervention.


Toseland, R. & Rivas, R. (1998). Chapter 13,14, pp. 365-409.

Case for Role-Play: AIDS; Kyle Muldoon

Hancock & Millard, Chapter 26, pp. 126-129.


Week 14

Solution-focused work. Welfare reform: TANF/CALWORKS practice implications. Individual and policy-level "antidotes" to burnout through networks of mutual support.


Toseland, R. & Rivas, R. Chapter 15, pp. 423-439.

Case for Role-Play: Group work in a community residence for people with AIDS.





Week 15

Presentation of Area of Interest Papers.





other sites: Introduction to Philosophy, Nursing 591, Writing 122,

Text Books and Course Materials example, Computer Access information on BIO 100/101

course (listed at the bottom of the page)




Page updated: February 27, 1998