We did not send out a 2006 Newsletter. We almost finished it before 2007 began.
An unpolished version is on the web at
are at
to Yucatan and Riviera Maya
Early in January we (Beth, Dusty and I) spent
the night at the Sacramento airport hotel to avoid a very early drive to catch
a flight. I hit my toe on a suitcase getting up in the dark. Felt a slight strain
at ankle, but no big deal. Our departure for Phoenix was delayed 50 minutes. At
Phoenix, we had to walk far and fast to make our flight to Cancun, getting to
the plane 5 minutes before departure.
In our rental car, we drove south to
the Mayan Resorts where we stayed at our time-share in the Grand Mayan.
night my ankle began hurting. By 6 a.m. I had to get up to relieve the pain. I
hobbled to delicious brunch accompanied by a hard sell by the company for time
sharing. Went to the resort's doctor who determined that I had an inflamed ligament
and muscles extending from my metacarpal up my leg (caused by the death march
in the Phoenix airport). He wraps it and writes a prescription. I pay $60 in cash.
(Kaiser, my HMO, later reimbursed me despite a dubious looking receipt.) During
the next few days we mainly hung out on the beach or the adjoining swimming pool
complex. One day we went to Xcareta kind of semi-natural, tropical Disneyland
featuring a river flowing through caves and over waterfalls to a lagoon with dolphins.
Beth and Dustin floated in the stream through a complex of caves and sinkholes
in this karst terrain, but got out before reaching the lagoon because the water
was too cold. In the evening we went to a dinner in an indoor arena followed by
a spectacular, Mayan-based show. Another day we drove down to the seaside, Mayan
ruins at Tolum. Afterwards, we drove to Akumal, where Beth and I had a great holiday
in 2000 (preDustin). Here, we snorkeled among tropical fish in a lagoon that had
flooded a maze of stream channels in limestone.Pools
at Grand Mayan, ocean in background.
at Xcaret. People swimming with dolphins
Mayan ruins
Bellingham and Columbia Plateau, Washington
May 3rd , I flew to Seattle and rented a car, which I drove to Bellingham. Didn't
quite beat the rush hour traffic. Barely made the tail end of the welcoming party
in time to quaff a couple free, locally brewed ales. This was the start of the
Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section meeting, hosted by Western
Washington University. I stayed with Scott Babcock and family. Scott was a contemporary
of mine in graduate school at UW; also a colleague in Antarctic research. During
the next 3 days, I mainly attended technical sessions. Each day, late in the afternoon,
kegs of ale from Boundary Bay Brewery were rolled out. No charge. A nice touch
for meetings. On the 2nd night, several who were at UW together gathered for beer
and reminiscing at Scott's. Carlo Giovanela drove from Canada and Ian Lange came
over from the San Juan Islands. During the last day of the sessions on wine terroir
for Washington and Oregon. The session culminated with wine tasting to compare
wine grown under different geologic conditions.
Scott was a co-leader of
the field trip to the Columbia Plateau where we would look at the flood basalts
which built up the plateau and the effects of giant floods during the Ice Age,
which carved up the plateau. East of Seattle we picked up Ross Fox, M.D., a 93
year old fat reducing surgeon, known throughout WA from his TV ads for his chain
of fat removal clinics. Ross is a geology fanatic. Our first geologic stop on
the plateau was at a Ginko Petrified Forest State Park. We were joined by Bruce
Bjornstad, our co-leader, who wrote a book on the floods. We saw giant ripple
marks and other feature created by the mega floods. We finished the day at a hotel
in Richland, WA. Cindy Shaw, a free-lance artist who lives in Richland and does
artwork for my textbook, generously had the entire group (around 20) at her house
for dinner. The 2nd day, we visited more gian ripple marks and erosional features
in th channeled scablands. Lunch at Palouse Falls State Park, overlooking the
lovely falls.Palouse
In the evening, the group went to an upscale restaurant for
wine tasting, appetizers and a salmon dinner. In the morning of the 3rd day, we
saw an interesting landslide caused by over-irrigation on the top of a short plateau.
After lunch, we headed back to Bellingham. Our route took us over the Cascades
through Stevens Pass. We went through an edge of my doctoral dissertation field
area, the Chiwaukum Mountains, east of the pass and Mt. Index, my M.S. field area,
on the western slope of the Cascades. Back to Sacramento the next day.
Europe & the 200th
anniversary of the Strasser family farm
On July 22, we drove to
San Francisco airport (SFO) and boarded a Boeing 777 for a long flight to Frankfurt.
We had the luxury of business class, thanks to our United frequent flier miles.
Besides good food and ample drink we had near-horizontal reclining seats for sleeping.
After a layover spent in Lufthansa's business class lounge we flew to Munich in
some of the worst turbulence I have see. Only in the last minutes of the flight
did it settle enough so that we could be served food and drink that had to be
quickly devoured before landing. After getting our bags, we walked to the railroad
tracks. Dustin discovered he had left his Teddy on the plane. Tears and anguish.
He and Beth walked back to the air terminal but came back empty handed. Calls
to the lost and found over the next few days were fruitless. Took the train into
Munich and walked to our hotel near the Hauptbanhof. Jet lag and a hot room kept
us awake late into the night. Great breakfast buffet with huge variety of dishes.
We took a subway to the justly famous Deutches Museum. A highlight is the lengthy
and realistic underground mine walk. For supper, we walked to Alt Stad and ate
at the Ratskeller in the Neues Rathouse, a gothic building.
The next day, we took the train to Garmish-Partenkirchen in
the Alps. From our hotel there, we wandered around and rented a car to be delivered
the next day. Ate supper at a nice German restaurant. I had hirsch endelgoulasch
(poacher's style venison stew).Garmisch,
Bavarian Alps
We all had a good night's sleep. After
another big breakfast buffet, our car was delivered. It was a smallish Mercedes
diesel. We drove on a road that weaved in and out of Austria. Beautiful, soaring
mountains and deep green, glacially-carved valleys. We eventually got to Hohenschwangau
and joined the crowds visiting King Ludwig's castles. We made reservations for
tours of the two castles. The first tour was of the smaller, but interesting,
castle, where King Ludwig II was raised. The second was one of several castles
that Ludwig had built when he became King. This is the one that was the inspiration
for the Magic Castle at Disneyland. We retraced our route back to Garmisch and
continued driving to Linderhof, another of Ludwig's castles. We were too late
for a tour so we wandered through the gardens. Mad
Ludwig's Castle & limestone in Alps
Almost overslept
the next morning (July, 27), but managed to get the rental car key to the front
desk by 8:00. After another big breakfast, we took the train back to Munich. There,
we checked back in to our previous hotel. Dustin was treated to a Burger King
lunch at the Hauptbanhof. We took a tram to Schloss Nymphenberg, a sprawling castle.
Returned to hotel. Dustin, who had been complaining now had a fever. Beth stayed
with him in hotel and I wandered into Alt Stadt looking for a restaurant that
had been recommended. I didn't find it but found a place with benches filled with
people and smoke. An entire section of the menu was devoted to chanterelle mushroom
dishes. (I had noticed that the produce stands had large quantities of chanterelles
for sale.) I order one with beef in a sauce. It was strips of meat in a gravy
with a huge amount of chanterelles. Unfortunately, the gravy masked the mushroom's
After breakfast the next day, we checked out of hotel. D's fever gone.
We took a crowded train for a 40 minute trip to Landshut. We had prepaid for an
Avis rental car, but we found out that the Avis office was 1.4 Km from the station.
A man working for the rental company that was at the station volunteered to drive
us to Avis. He did and he cheerfully refused to take any money from us. We got
a small Mercedes gasoline-powered car with a GPS unit in it. A woman spent a long
time getting the GPS to speak English and programed for our destination. It led
us not to our hotel but to the Strasser farm, then the hotel. The hotel was a
nice, country inn. Some of Beth's brothers were already there. In the afternoon,
We and some of the brothers' families drove to the Strasser farm and met Georg
Strasser and family. After awhile .wiesse beer, cakes, nuts, ice cream were brought
out We had informal tours of the farm, gardens, cemetery, and deer enclosure.
Around 6:00, Georg led our rental car fleet to Vilsbiburg, a nearby town having
a street festival. The streets were packed with people, tables, benches, stands
and bands. Several bands were playing at once. Rock bands playing American music.
An oompa band playing German and South American music. Waiters and waiteresses
each carried many liter beer steins. We squeezed into a table and had steins of
beer along with "meter-long" wursts in buns. We returned to hotel following
a brother's car but became lost on the way.
July 29. In the morning, we Americans
went on a tour of the nearby farm museum. The 200th anniversary celebration of
the Strasser farm began at 1 pm. Lunch of various sausages, etc. The first keg
was tapped. A group of shoe-slapping Bavarian dancers performed throughout the
farm. Georg Strasser (in knee length lederhosen) talking to Pete Strasser
and American Strassers
dancers gather in courtyard
Shoe slapping dancers (overesposed and partially restored with Photoshop.) Clicks on the photo to see a 12 second video.
in the small church adjacent to farm. Local soldiers killed in WW I and II.
Cakes, coffee (& beer). Gracious speeches in German and English. An afternoon thunderstorm tapered off around 6 pm. Supper was a huge spread of cold foods. A German blues band played well into the nightmostly American tunes. Neighbors, friends and the American Strassers danced and drank beer.
Strasser at the supper buffet
July 30. Around
10:00, we Americans, in 4 rental cars went to the farm, took pictures and said
our goodbyes. We convoyed into Landshup. The lead brother turned into a one-way
street and the rest of us followed. Getting out of this mess was dicey. We parked
and walked into the Altstadt. Then we took the steep hike to the castle overlooking
the city. We took the tour in German as the only way to get inside the castle.
Had a beer with the brothers and families then returned the car to Avis. We were
picked up by Alois. We had been graciously invited to stay with him and wife Anne.
They are part of the German Strasser clan. Their twin sons, Jakob and Paul played
fussbol with Dustin. We had a delicious Bavarian lasagna for supper. After supper
we all took a walk to see sculptures by Kuening (sp?) in a field.
To Budapest.
We were up by 5 am. Alois made coffee and drove us to the train station. We got
on the 0609 train, destination Salzburg. The train driver tried to tell us something
but spoke no English. Fortunately, the only other passenger boarded and translated:
This train would not be going to Salzburg today, we would have to transfer in
Muhldorf. Who knows where we would have ended up without this vital information.
We got off at Muhldorf and were on another train in half an hour. We crossed into
Austria and got off in Salsburg. With 2 hours to kill, we wandered toward the
Inn river. We walked through the Marial Castle's numerous flower gardens full
of groups of tourists. Boarded our train sitting in prereserved 1st class seats.
Train departed at 11:00. We arrived at Budapest East Station around 5 pm. Bought
transit passes for 3 days. Took a combination of bus and subway to the Parliament
district and walked to our hotel The escalators in the subway are very steep and
very fast. Our 4 star hotel had a new and very modern interiorhigh in design
but weak in function. The translucent bathroom door had a rectangular opening
between it and the door frame--not conducive to privacy. The shower screen for
half of the bathtub didn't quite reach the bathtub rim, so a shower was guaranteed
to flood the floor. After breakfast the next morning (August 1), we took the bus
tour of the city with on and off privileges. We got off on the edge of the hilly,
Castle District overlooking the Danube.
Fountain in the Castle District
In the afternoon we went into the Labyrinth beneath Buda Castle. It was billed as "a 1200 meter cave system deep inside Castle Hill." Turns out to be a basement/dungeon system. Different alcoves in the labyrinth had different themes. In one, a spigot and fountain circulate stale red wine.
the Labyrinth
We exited below the walls of the castle onto a side street. I miscalculated our position and we did a lot of walking before getting back to where we were around lunch time. We stopped for a drink before taking the steep walk down to where the tour bus left us off. (Beth ordered a martini that turned out to be mostly white vermouth with a wedge of lemon.) The bus arrived at 6:45, the last of the day. The bus tour continued by going up the other big hill on the Buda side of the river. The hill is capped by the Monument to Liberation, erected by the Soviets. We crossed the river to the Pest side of Budapest where the tour ended for the day. However, the driver drove us to Parliament in the empty bus. From our hotel, we walked and took streetcars to a bustling restaurant district where we dined at a place called "Mensa." Dusty fell asleep at the table. The next day, after our now routine big breakfast, we took trams and metro around the city. First to the big covered market.
cream stand near the market
Then to Heroes' Square. We walked to the castle in the adjoining park. We had a picnic in the park using Beth's leftover chicken supper and bread from breakfast. There are 8 bath houses in the city, some dating back to the Roman Empire. Water comes from hot springs. We went to one with magnificent old buildings. Paid for admission, towel and changing room rental (we brought our bathing suits). A lot of people around the pools. We went into a hot pool, then a large, cool pool, then a fun pool in which water jets under people for a while. This stopped and a swift current developed which quickly circulated swimmers in a circle.
showing water circle
For supper, Dusty had a Burger King before we went to a small Hungarian restaurant where I had a veal goulash stew. D slept through our meal.
To Prague. After our usual breakfast, I settled our prepaid bill. This
amounted to paying for a candy bar that Dusty had snuck a bite into--we found
it in the mini-bar. We took a taxi to the train station. While boarding the train,
we were accosted by two men who insisted on finding our seats and carrying our
bags the few meters into the train. I protested, but they did it anyway. I gave
them my loose Hungarian currency (almost nothing).They wanted more, saying euros
were acceptable. We shooed them away. Beth had a long conversation (in English)
with a German businessman sharing our 1st class compartment. He was returning
from Russia . We discovered from our tickets that the train leaving Vienna for
Prague was not from the same station we would arrive in, another detail that our
travel agent had failed to point out. We exited the station (Oestbanhof) and hauled
our bags onto a streetcar which we took to the other station (Sudbanhof). We had
tinges of regrets for not spending more time in Vienna. Both of us had spend time
there and wanted to see new places. But Beth's mother was born and raised in Vienna,
having a happy and privileged life as a Catholic Jew until the Nazis came along.
She fled to the United States and ended up marrying the American whose German
ancestors we had just visited. We were the only passengers in the 1st class on
the train to Prague. We arrived around 7:45 pm and took the metro to where we
could roll our bags to our hotel. We dined at a Czech place filled with people
and smoke. We sat on benches at a table with strangers. Dark beer and glasses
of a herbaceous liquor were bought without ordering. An accordianist got the crowd
singing and cheering.
Dancing Buildings, better known as "Fred and Ginger." Near
our hotel.
The shower the next morning (August 4) was a challenge. The shower head slid vertically on a rod only about 4 feet high and there was no shower curtain. After breakfast, we walked to Wenceslaus Square and visited the National Museum. Most of the afternoon was spent on cell phones coordinating plans with Beth's brothers and families who drove rental cars from Germany and were staying at different hotels. In the evening, we walked downtown to the Charles Bridge then to the heart of old town. Huge crowds of locals and tourists. We watched the apostles go around at the Astronomical Clock Tower as it struck 7. We met the other Strasser families and had supper at a nice, open-air restaurant. August 5. Although we were up early for breakfast, we didn't get downtown until the noon show at the Clock Tower. Once again, many cell calls were made to coordinate a meeting of the clan at the Charles Bridge.
the Charles Bridge, looking at the castle & cathedral
in the castle complex' toture chamber
We crossed the bridge and settled on a lunch spot that had cut-rate beer. We took a tram up the hill capped by a castle and church complex. After touring the St. Vitus Church, we searched for entrances to the castle. We descended a path through terraced gardens. A toll both was strategically place halfway down. We paid, rather than go back up. It was 6 pm now. Beth got a call from a brother saying they were going on a dinner cruise. They were 2 bridges away. I opted out while Beth and Dusty went to meet them. I walked to hotel and ate at a colorful looking restaurant which had excellent Czech food. On 6 August we went downtown to "New" Prague searching for Jubilee Synagogue. On way, we visited Powder Tower, a medieval stone tower, and the adjacent, art noveau Hotel Paris. We paid to go in the brightly colored Jubilee Synagogue. Lunch at the Hotel Paris, outdoors. We went to Old Town and paid for the self-tour of the synogogues. The 1st building was quite moving. The walls of each of its rooms listed the names of Czech Jews killed in the holocaust. Only 10% survived. The cemetary had gravestones piled on each grave. Because of lack of space, several people were buried in each grave. The Spanish Synagogue was impressive with its Moorish decor, reminiscent ot the Alhambra. Because it was approaching 6 o'clock, we didn't visit all of the synagogues. We took a tram and met Steve, the only brother still in Prague, and family at a park. We ate at a nice Czech restaurant where I had a wild boar steak with cranberry.
in "New" Prague
Back to Munich. After breakfast, on August
7, we took a taxi to the train station. Paid for taxi and it departed. We discovered
that the entrance to the station where we were at was locked. Other arriving people
were similarly stymied. A barrier prevented access across street to main part
of terminal. I ascended another staircase that put me on other side of track and
signaled for Beth and others to follow. I Went downward and upward to help with
luggage. Went through station and found that our train required yet another descent
and ascent. We boarded and train and left at 9:16. Pork schnitzel for lunch in
the dining car. We arrived in Munich at 3:40 then took the metro to the suburban
town of Erding, near the airport. Our hotel was chosen because it provided shuttle
service to the airport. Unfortunately, shuttle service did not start until 6 am.
Brother Steve and family joined us for drinks, then supper in the charming town
Flight back to USA. Up at 4 am. Took taxi to airport. While
waiting at the airport, we checked the lost and found for Teddy and there he was.
Dustin had a joyous reunion with his stuffed creature. Waited for our flight to
Zurich in the nice, business class lounge. The flight was short, but we were served
a good breakfast. At Zurich, we waited in the business class lounge. Like all
of Lufthansa's lounges in Europe, this was great. They served free food and beverages
of all sorts. We found out from United that we would be stopping in Dulles, rather
than flying directly to SFO and that for the 2nd leg, we had been reticketed to
1st class (which we thought was good). The trans-Atlantic flight was pleasant,
with good food and drinks. I slept a couple hours in the reclining seat. At Dulles,
after going through customs, we went to United's1st class lounge. This was something
of a dump. I was charged $5 for a beer. The continuing flight was delayed more
than an hour and turned out to be in a smaller airplane. It didn't have business
class, which is why we were put in first class. "1st class" not nearly
as good as business class in previous leg. Ordinary (but wide) seats that didn't
recline very far. We had been assigned seats that were not adjoining. Beth changed
seats with someone so she could sit next to Dustin. Just after pushoff she realized
her purse was missing. She had left it at her previous seat and the guy sitting
there gave it to the flight attendant who had handed it to the gate attendant.
The bag had Beth's passport, car keys, credit cards and all important stuff. She
was not happy. The plane was further delayed by questionable electric problem,
but we didn't return to terminal. Perfunctory service of the "1st class"
meal. Got some sleep, but seat not comfortable enough. We arrived at SFO at 9
pm. Beth filed a report with United's lost baggage department and we took shuttle
to hotel where we left Beth's car. We were assured the purse fould be on the next
flight from Dulles. The next morning (August 9) we had a continental breakfast
at hotel and took shuttle to airport. Nothing on the purse. Even the agent found
it impossible to talk to a real person at Dulles. We had AAA get a locksmith to
get into the car. This was easy for him, but it took an hour to make another keyI'm
not sure how he did it. We were back in Sacramento at 5:30 pm. The purse surfaced
two weeks or so later after we had given up on it.
September 7, Beth, Dustin and I drove to Yosemite. Our newly aquired GPS unit
had its maiden voyage. Visibility in Yosemite Valley was poor due to a forest
fire over a hundred miles away. We stayed in a tent cabin in Curry Village. The
buffet at Curry Village was inexpensive and surprisingly good. Later, we got together
with Kurt Wehbring and his wife Donna. They drove down from Portland, OR. Kurt
was a Dartmouth classmate and fellow climber. He and I climbed Cathedral Peak
in Yosemite in the early 1970s. After the breakfast buffet we took the shuttle
and with Kurt and Donna hiked to Mirror lake. We returned and had lunch at Yosemite
Lodge. After going through the Visitor Center we returned to Curry Village. Others
in the group swam in the cold Merced River. After supper, we went to the ranger
talk which featured a video presentation of the long-banned firefall that was
shoved off of Glacier Point every night. The next morning after breakfast, we
packed and checked out. We hiked up the fairly strenuous trail to the base of
Vernal Falls. Kurt, Donna and Dustin continued to the top of the falls. Beth and
I returned to the trail head and took photos of the 1996 rockfall(described in
my textbookthe 12th edition of which came out in October). We headed back
to Sacto around 2 pm.
& John Muir
Kurt Wehbring,
Beth Strasser, Dustin Strasser, Carlos Plummer, Donna Dermond
My son Brian turned 30 in November, in
a psychiatric hospital. He had to be involuntarily held several times in October
and Novermber. He had gone over a year without serious episodes. He was diagnosed
as being bipolar, complicated by substance abuse. It was very draining on all
of us. He resisted treatment, but now that he seems to realize that he must remain
medication compliant. He is back at Kathy's (his mother) house despite rightfully
being banned from living there and seems on the road to recovery. Fingers crossed.
He was (and perhaps still is) in the award winning latino band, Sol Peligro,
for which he plays saxophone.
My son Charlie turned 32.
His medications for schizophrenia have, over the years, stabilized him and he
leads a reasonably happy, if dependent, life. He takes a class at Sac City College,
reads paperbacks and listens to music a lot. In his way, he is a brilliant musician,
but can't carry through enough to consolidate his accomplishments. He had been
working with the organist at the downtown church which he and his mother attend.
The organist was blown away by Charlie's innate ability to play by ear on a keyboardbe
it the grand organ, harpsicord, duet of grand pianos, etc. Brad, the organist,
would tailor the "lesson" to fit Charlie's attention span and interest.
Brad could only play by reading a musical score. Charlie has always been the exact
opposite--an incredible ear. I really enjoyed taking Charlie to the sessions.
We would get a performance of Brad rehearsing for his Sunday special (most memorably
a Vivaldi piece). Charlie would play Bach (tocata & fugue in D minor), Mozart,
Scott Joplin. Brad was particularly impressed by a tune composed by Charlie and
turned it into a postlude for a church service last spring. I took my video camera
there arriving for what turned out to be a particularly long, boring talk by a
visiting preacher from Korea (reinforcing my distaste for religion, but not its
music). The postlude was played as clergy and congregants exited. At the end,
Brad stood and pointed to Charlie in the balcony. A huge ovation from all still
in the building. Not long afterward, Charlie decided he didn't want to continue
this part of his music and enrolled in a Sac City improvisation music course,
where he played his bass guitar.