Gaining a Grasp of the Scale of the Universe:    Scientific Notation


10-9 nano 10-9 meters is 1 nanometer
10-6 micro 10-6 meters is 1 micrometer (1 micron)
10-3 milli 10-3 meters is 1 millimeter
10-2 centi 10-2 meters is 1 centimeter
103 kilo 103 meters is 1 kilometer
106 mega 106 parsecs is 1 megaparsec
109 giga 109 parsecs is 1 gigaparsec

Astronomy deals with the largest and the smallest size, time and mass units!  It is essential that one becomes comfortable with scientific notation to deal with numbers used to describe these scales.

Powers of Ten: Knowing your place in the Universe, by understanding its scale, enriches your existence and gives you greater perspective when dealing with numerous issues faced by society.


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