Planetary Interiors: General Principles

Moment of Inertia

  • Moment of Inertia: The moment of inertia is a measure of the degree to which mass is concentrated toward an object's center.
  • Recall that the kinetic energy (KE) is given by: KE3.gif (1330 bytes)
  • For an object in circular motion,vomegar.gif (1285 bytes)

where r is the distance from the rotation axis

where omega.gif (1024 bytes) is rotation frequency in radians/sec

  • The kinetic energy can then be written as:

Inertia_Equation1.gif (4006 bytes)

where I is defined to be the Moment of Inertia, which is given by:

MomentOfInertia1.gif (2874 bytes)

Question.jpg (1389 bytes)


Slide 9