This is the Solar System Web Assignment
Upon completion of this web assignment, you
should be able to answer these, and similar questions:
- What are the pieces of information that allow us to understand the history of Mercury?
What does this information tell us about Mercury's history?
- Which planets in the Solar System have atmospheres?
- Which planets in the Solar System have solid surfaces?
- Which planets in the Solar System have moons?
- Which planet has a low enough density that it would float in water?
- How is Venus similar to the Earth? How is it different?
- What are the unique characteristics of Venus?
- What evidence exists that Mars has/had water?
- What evidence has been used to argue that Mars may have had life?
- Why is Pluto an "oddball planet"?
- What are the interesting geological features on Mars?
- Which planet(s) have rings?
- The asteroid belt is located between which planets?
- Which planet(s) is/are rotating opposite to the other planets?
- Which moon/moons are know to have active volcanism/geysers?
- Which planetary moon has a thick atmosphere?
- Which planet dominates the Solar System by mass?
- What is the difference between meteoroids, meteors, and meteorites?
- Who discovered the four major moons around Jupiter?
- Explore in some detail how the following parameters for the planets vary as the distance
from the Sun increases: Mass, Radius, Density, Temperature, Orbital Properties
(Eccentricity and Inclination). How can this information be used to build a theory
of the formation of the Solar System?
These questions, and similar ones, will form the
basis of the exam material for this section of the course.