This is Vulcano, 1999 page for the PLCON Open Cluster Survey

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In September, 1999, the PLCON Open Cluster Survey made an appearance at the meeting, "The Chemical Evolution of the Milky Way: Star Clusters versus Field Stars, on the island of Vulcano (Italy).  An earlier, smaller scale, version of the PLCON Survey was responsible for the identification of a new set of old open clusters (Phelps, Janes & Montgomery 1994, AJ, 107, 1079), which in turned formed the basis for several spectroscopic studies of chemical abundances in open clusters within the Galactic disk (e.g., Friel, 1995, ARAA, 33, 381).  The invited review at the Vulcano meeting highlighted what we have to work with as far as using open clusters to investigate the chemical enrichment history of the Galactic disk.  Special emphasis was placed on the role of the PLCON Survey in identifying "new" old open clusters for future chemical abundance studies.

Along with the oral presentation, you can also find photographs from the meeting, including researchers in attendance, the meeting location, and various meeting excursions.  A copy of the conference proceedings paper can be found in Papers section of the PLCON Open Cluster Survey.

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The Oral Presentation

Photographs From The Meeting

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Last Updated 30 September, 1999.