Washington DC (1): 2003 to 2006.

From September 2, 2003 to September 1, 2006 I lived in Washington, DC while on assignment to the National Science Foundation in Arlington, VA.   Here are some pictures, in black and white and in color, that cover the period I lived there...

Cherry Blossoms

CherryBlossom03734B.jpg (196926 bytes)

Cherry Blossoms, March 2004 (Tidal Basin)

2005CherryBlossom04953.jpg (158184 bytes)   2005CherryBlossom04967.jpg (146214 bytes)   2005CherryBlossom04992.jpg (140151 bytes)

Cherry Blossoms, April 2005 (Tidal Basin and Capitol Hill)

2005CherryBlossom05012.jpg (161320 bytes)

Cherry Blossoms, April 2005 (Capitol Hill)

The Mall

2006SnowOnTheMall06576.jpg (175005 bytes)

After a Snowstorm on the Mall (2006)

2006SnowyDC06550.jpg (251809 bytes)   2006SnowyLincolnMemorial06540a.jpg (369585 bytes)

After a Snowstorm on the Mall (2006)

2006SnowyJefferson06564.jpg (193156 bytes)

After a Snowstorm on the Mall (2006)

2006LincolnMemorial06529.jpg (44982 bytes)

The Reflecting Pool (2006)

Christmas in the Capital

CapitolChristmas04390.jpg (160058 bytes)

The Capitol at Christmas (2005)

    2005ChristmasCapitol06386(tiny).jpg (113820 bytes)

The Capitol at Christmas (2005)

2005WhiteHouseChristmas06360(small).jpg (166758 bytes)   2005NationalChristmasTree06367(small).jpg (250179 bytes)

Christmas at the White House (2005)


All photographs copyright: Randy L. Phelps

Last Updated 28 December 2006.