Social Studies





Case Studies

Art & Music

Cultural Artifacts & Primary Sources

Field Trips

Student Research


"Case studies" is being used in a a relatively new way with social studies education (in the CTC standards for social studies). There are not a large number of examples of activities labeled "case studies". You will need to look at some case studies in other areas to determine what are the components of case studies and then compare those to topics and activities in social studies to determine if case studies have been completed in social studies in the past, but have not been labeled as such.


  • What exactly is a case study? What are some important criteria for creating and/or implementing case studies?
  • Oral histories may be an important part of a case study. What are oral histories?
  • How can teachers/students located oral histories?
  • How can students conduct oral histories?
  • What are some specific case studies and/or oral histories for which grade levels?
  • Are case studies and oral histories used differently at primary grades compared to upper grades?
  • Law related education uses mock trials and case studies. What is available and how might these be used at different grade levels.
  • How can technology support social studies curriculum?
  • What are strengths and limitations, advantages and disadvantages of this topic?


If you have time, do a search for case studies, oral history, law related education. (Try

What other questions or topics should the next group studying this topic focus upon?








 EdTe 305

California State University, Sacramento
February, 2003