Recommended: 1. Using technology, develop a web quest type unit. Refer
to the activity in class. Include roles, sample questions,
web sites, final product expectations (e.g. a multimedia
presentation, a debate, an oral presentation, a power point
presentation, an enactment etc.) Indicate the time of year
this might occur, what the prior knowledge and skills of
students. 2. Develop a unit of instruction (8-10 lessons) which
uses multiple strategies. Use strategies from at least two
different families. You may want to include lessons that do
not fit an actual strategy pattern. Write a brief paragraph
about that activity, so it is clear how it fits into the
unit and connects to the other lessons. Do not count it as
one of the 8-10 strategies. Provide a rationale for your
unit. Other possible projects: 3. Use one piece of content. (American Picnic example.)
Plan four different lessons using strategies. Strategies
need to be from at least two different families. Analyze how
the use of different strategies affects the content. (Do
this twice for a total of eight lessons.) 4. Choose one strategy to teach in depth. The purpose is
to actually teach the strategy to the students so they "own"
the strategy. Thus each time the strategy is taught, new
aspects of the power of the strategy will unfold and be
pointed out to students. The same content discipline area
may be used or different content areas may be used. Each
lesson should be explicitly related to the previous
lesson/learning. Provide a brief overview/ introduction that
shows how the lessons build upon one another. (8-10
lessons) 5. The California school population is becoming more
diverse. Develop a paper and/or unit that directly addresses
this issue. e.g., What strategies might best be used with
diverse populations? Which strategies lend themselves to
greater multicultural understandings? (Be sure to
differentiate between multicultural understandings and
second language acquisition.) (Unit = 8-10 lessons; paper
12-15 page; use APA format.) 6. Research a topic that particularly interests
you that involves instructional strategies e.g.,
discovery learning--how effective?--or--teaching
for concepts--or--effective strategies with
technology--or?? (12-15 pages, include a
bibliography; use APA format.) Topic must relate to
instructional strategies or instructional
issues. Investigate and report on a strategy or approach
we have not "covered", e.g., law related education,
futures education, debating, moral education,
global education, teaching controversial issues.
(12-15 pages, include bibliography, APA
format.) APA
Format: Sample One Johnson (1987) notes numerous examples of effective
cooperative learning strategies. Sample Two Several researchers have studied students' achievement
related to levels of teacher's questions (Gall, 1978;
McKeown, 1975; Ryan, 1973).
Within the text you are
Within a bibliography: |
Book: Johnson, D. and Johnson, R. (1987). Learning Together and Alone, 2nd. ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Article: McKeown, R. (1975). Accountability in responding to classroom questions: Impact on student achievement. Journal of Experimental Education, 45, 24-30. Chapter in a book: Atkinson, J.W. (1965). The mainsprings of achievement-oriented activity. In J.D. Krumholtz (Ed.), Learning and Education Process, 25-26, Chicago: Rand-McNally & Co. |