List of Assignments
Completed in 330a
E-mail to Instructor
Evaluating Websites
Word Document (Paper from Methods Class, Resume, ETC.)
Article Discussions Online
Lesson plan using Powerpoint
Lessonplan using Newsletter
Creating Your Educational
Technology Foundation Standards Electronic Portfolio
Stage 1- In Microsoft
Word, prepare your overview/standards page.
Set up the portfolio demonstrating the CCTC Educational
Technology Standard Indicators
Put a header on the document that will appear
on every page that shows your name and the name of the group of standards
you are demonstrating.
Copy the Performance Indicators into the document
Cut and paste into the document, putting each
performance indicator on a page by itself, using page breaks.
OR Open the
file called "template.doc". This file contains
the performance indicators for the CCTC Educational
Technology Standard Indicators
Stage 2 - Collecting the
Artifacts - The Working Portfolio
Identify the portfolio artifacts (examples of
your work, assignments from 330a, work from your other methods courses,
hopefully in electronic form) or experiences you have that demonstrate
that you have met this indicator. You might create a separate list of all
of the artifacts that you have collected and how they might demonstrate
your competency.
On the Mybrary in Taskstream
into electronic folders for each standard to organize the artifacts (any
type of electronic document).
Use appropriate multimedia to add style and individuality
to portfolio.
Use a scanner (or camera) to digitize images [Level
Stage 3 - Selection, Reflections
& Direction - The Reflective Portfolio
Write a reflection for each performance indicator
that explains why you think you have demonstrated achievement of this performance
indicator. In other words, how you think you have accomplished this standard
(for some ideas for writing reflections and developing the portfolio go
List the artifact that constitute the evidence
that supports your reflections.
The portfolio becomes a lifelong learning tool,
when we take these reflections and set goals for future learning.
For the performance indicator, write a statement
about what you still need to learn in this area, setting some reasonable
goals for yourself so that you can achieve this standard.
Stage 4 - Adding hypertext
links to become a Connected Portfolio
Word processing programs allow hypertext
links to be able to navigate around the document or to open files created
by other programs. Microsoft Word uses the Hyperlink... command
under the Insert Menu. Select a file (or a bookmark within the same
file). It is recommended that you organize all files within the same folder
before making these links.
This approach works well with files created
with the same software (e.g., Word) but can be problematic if a variety
of software packages are used to create the various artifacts. It becomes
necessary to have all of software available to open files created by these
different programs, which the primary audience for your portfolio might
not have (i.e., Inspiration, HyperStudio). Another way to add links
to a word processing document is to convert the files into a more universal
format, as shown below.