Last Updated: January 27, 2000
Introductory Biology (BIO 10, 20, or 22) and one-year of college
chemistry. Physics is strongly recommended.
Information and Location:
- M W 7:30-8:45 a.m. SQU 338
- W 9:00-11:50 a.m. SQU 218 (Ash)
- W 1:00-3:50 p.m. SQU 218 (Ash)
Office Hours:
- M 11:00 - noon
- Th 10:00 - noon
Course ListProc:
Course Description Systemic Physiology
is the study of the functions of human organ systems. An important
aspect of this study will be to examine how the integration and
control of individual organ systems is necessary for the overall
health and well-being of a person. The laboratory portion of this
course is designed to complement the lecture material.
Assignments and Grading A single
letter grade is given at the end of the semester based on overall
point total. All assignments must be completed.
L. Sherwood. Human Physiology: Cells to Systems, 3rd edition. MN: West Publishing Co., 1997Biology 131 Laboratory Manual, revised Spring 1999, CSUS Bookstore
Course Schedule
Links to Course Related Sites
Medline is a datebase of bibliographic citations and abstracts from about 3,900 biomedical journals. It is an acquired skill to learn how to efficiently and effectively search Medline for pertinent scientific articles. If you've never used Medline and want to view an example of a simple search, click on Example: Medline Search.
Countercurrent Mechanism is an interactive web-based exercise illustrating renal mechanisms to produce a concentrated urine.
NYU Medical Center, Public Access Courseware.
Neuron is an interactive site developed at Duke University.
JAMA Journal of American Medicine Association is available online. This site also has medical related links.
Medical Education Ring has many links associated with medical education including pre-med information, application information and research and clinical research findings.
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