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Assistant Professor of Sociology Department of Sociology California State University, Sacramento 6000 J. Street Sacramento, CA 95819-6005 Office: Amador Hall 451-A Phone: (916) 278-3616 FAX (916) 278-6281 EDUCATION B.A. Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Durant, Oklahoma (1991)M.S. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma (1994) Ph.D. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma (1999) MAJOR FIELDS OF INTEREST IN SOCIOLOGY Complex Organizations      Social Psychology Sociological Theory             Death and Dying Sociology of Religion           Race and Ethnic Relations TEACHING EXPERIENCE 1992-1998Department of Sociology, Oklahoma State University Teaching Associate 1998-2002 Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice, California State University, Stanislaus Assistant Professor 2002-Present Department of Sociology, California State University, Sacramento Assistant Professor COURSES TAUGHT Race and Ethnic Relations          Research MethodsPolitical Sociology                       Conflict Resolution Sociology of the Family               Social Problems Contemporary Theory                Self and Social Behavior Social Organization                    Sociology of Sex Roles Formal Organizations                 Introduction to Sociology Sociology of Religion                  Social Change Classical Theory RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 1992       Developmental Disabilities Quality Assurance Project               Oklahoma State University                Research Assistant                Conducted field interviews across the state of Oklahoma 1993       Oklahoma Department of Corrections                "Oklahoma Incarceration by Race"                Research Assistant                Analysis of secondary data from Oklahoma Department of Corrections 1994       Correspondence and Independent Study                Oklahoma State University                Research Assistant                Developed a data-base of distance learning articles. 1995       Oklahoma State University Assessment                "Oklahoma University Campus Climate for Diversity Study"                Research Associate                Designed three survey instruments, supervision of data input, analysis of data, writing the final report. 1996       Oklahoma Department of Human Services DDSD                Developmental Disabilities Services Division Project                Research Associate                Conducted telephone interviews of DDSD clients across the state of Oklahoma. 1997       Ponca City Community Policing Study                Department of Sociology                Research Associate                Conducted field research of attitudes toward the police and the fear of crime. PUBLICATIONS Knottnerus, J. David, Monk, David L., & Edward Jones (1999). In Durant, Thomas J. , Knottnerus, J. David.Plantation Society and Race Relations: The Origins of Inequality (pp. 17-28). Westport: Praeger. Chiang, Chau-Pu, & Monk, David L. (2001). Survey Research. In the Encyclopedia of criminology. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn. (Forthcoming) PRESENTATIONS 1994       Mid-South Sociological Association "Plantations, Total Institutions, and Organizational Analysis" by David L.                Monk and J. David Knottnerus, Lafayette, Louisiana1995       Oklahoma State University Graduate Research Symposium "The Social Construction of Black Life in the                UnitedStates: A Phenomenological Analysis of Black Identity Development" , Published in Conference                Proceedings , Stillwater, Oklahoma (February 28, 1995) 1995       Southwestern Sociological Association , "A Comparison of Beliefs About Affirmative Action and Beliefs ,                Dallas, Texas (March 24, 1995), "Plantations and Organizations: The American Slave System From ,                 "Teaching Assistants and Teaching Introductory Sociology in a General Education Context" by Gary                 Steward, Wm. Daniel Martin and David L. Monk. Mid-West Sociological Society Chicago, Illinois (April 7,                 1995) 1996       Oklahoma State University Graduate Research Symposium “Toward a Model of Institutional Discrimination”                Published in proceedings, Stillwater, Oklahoma (March, 1996) 1996       Refereed Roundtable. “Plantations and Organizations: A Total Institutional Analysis of the American Slave                System.”American Sociological Association. New York, NY (August 16-22) 1996       The Compact for Faculty Diversity. Participant in a Roundtable Discussion, Boston, MA (October 12-15) 1999       “Application of Systems Theories to Institutions of Higher Education” , Presented at the California                   Sociological Association Meeting, Berkeley, California (October 29-30) 2000       “Measuring Institutional Discrimination in Organizations” , Presented at the Pacific Sociological Association                  Meeting , San Diego, California (March 23-26) 2001       “Projective Framing: Cultural /Historical Opportunities and the Rastafari” , To be presented at the Pacific                  Sociological Association Meeting , San Francisco, California (March 29-April 1) OTHER SCHOLARLY ACTIVITIES 1995-1997       The Compact for Faculty Diversity. Conference emphasizing teaching, mentoring, and professional                         development.                        The Compact consists of three regional programs: SREB (Southern Region), WITCHE (Western Region,                         and the NEMBE (New England Region) ADMINISTRATIVE AND COMMITTEE EXPERIENCE 1990-1991       President of the Ardmore Branch N.A.A.C.P. Ardmore, Oklahoma1992-1993       Department of Sociology Representative. Graduate Student Council, Oklahoma State University.                         Stillwater, Oklahoma. 1992-1993       Member of the OSU Affirmative Action Board. Oklahoma State University. Stillwater, Oklahoma 1992-1993       Vice-President Minority Graduate Student Council. Oklahoma State University. Stillwater, Oklahoma. 1993-1994       President Minority Graduate Association. Oklahoma State University. Stillwater, Oklahoma. 1993-1994       Treasurer of the OSU Graduate Student Association. Oklahoma State University. Stillwater, Oklahoma. 1995-1996       Treasurer Alpha Kappa Delta Sociology Honor Society. Oklahoma State University. Stillwater,                         Oklahoma. 1996-1997       President of the Tai Chi Club at Oklahoma State. Oklahoma State University. Stillwater, Oklahoma. 1999-2000       Advisor to the Asian Cultural Association. California State University, Stanislaus. Turlock, California. 2000-2001       Advisor to the Lupus Health Association. California State University, Stanislaus. Turlock, California. 2001-2002       Public Relations Officer. "J. E. Copeland Scholarship Fund. Sacramento, California COMMUNITY SERVICE 2001       J. E. Copeland Scholarship Fund, Public Relations Officer2002       “Grief Education and Self-Help Workshop.” Asian Community Center. Sacramento, California. August 22,                 2002. 2002       “Making End of Life Decisions.” Asian Community Center. Sacramento, California. September 19, 2002. 2003       Member of the Asian Pacific Islander Community Counseling Board, Public Relations Committee AWARDS AND HONORS 1996       O.D. Duncan, Outstanding Graduate Student Research in Sociology Award1995       Southern Regional Education Board Doctoral Fellowship 1994       Honorable Mention for the Phoenix Award, Outstanding Graduate Research 1992       Alpha Kappa Delta International Sociology Honor Society |
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