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Joseph Merz

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Curriculum Vita


















Curriculum Vita


Ph.D. Conservation Ecology, 2004                        University of California, Davis

M.S. Biological Conservation, 1994         California State University Sacramento

B.S. Environmental and Systematic Biology, 1991     California Polytechnic State      University, San Luis Obispo


Lecturer, Department of Environmental Studies, California State University, Sacramento, 2001-present

Lecturer, Natural Resources, University of California, Davis Extension, 2000-present

Teaching Assistant, Aquatic Entomology, Department of Biology, California State University, Sacramento, 1996

Lab Assistant, Department of Biology, California State University, Sacramento, 1993-94

Lab Assistant, Department of Environmental and Systematic Biology, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, 1990



East Bay Municipal Utility District                            

  • Fisheries Biologist II   1996 - present               

California Department of Pesticide Regulation            

  • Pesticide Use Specialist  1995 - 1996          

ENTRIX INC.                                                    

  • Aquatic Ecologist   1993 - 1996                   

California Department of Fish and Game                         

  • Contract Biologist  1991 - 1994              

California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection

  • Engineer 1989 - 1991

  • Firefighter (Helitack) 1987 - 1988

  • Firefighter 1984 - 1986


Elkins, E. M.,  G.B. Pasternack, and J.E. Merz.  2007.  Use of slope creation for rehabilitating incised, 3 regulated, gravel bed rivers.  Water Resources Research 43:1-15 Download pdf.

Jeffres, C. A. A. P. Klimley, J. E. Merz and J. J. Cech Jr. 2006.  Movement of Sacramento sucker, Catostomus occidentalis, and hitch, Lavinia exilicauda, during a spring release of water from Camanche Dam in the Mokelumne River, California.  Environmental Biology of Fishes 75:365–373.  Download pdf.

Merz, J. E., J. D. Setka, G.B. Pasternack and J.M. Wheaton.  2004.  Predicting benefits of spawning habitat rehabilitation to salmonid (Oncorhynchus spp.) fry production in a regulated California river.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences 61:1-14.  Download pdf.

________, and L.K. Chan. 2005.  Effects of Gravel Augmentation on Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in a Regulated California River.  River Research and Applications 21:61-74.  Download pdf.

________, and W. R. Merz.  2004.  Morphological features used to identify Chinook salmon sex during fish passage.  Southwestern Naturalist 49(2): 1-12.  Download pdf.

________, and P. B. Moyle.  2006.  Salmon, wildlife, and wine: Marine-derived nutrients in human-dominated ecosystems of Central California.  Ecological Applications 16(3):999-1009.  Download pdf.

________, G.B. Pasternack and J.M. Wheaton.  2006.  Sediment budget for salmonid spawning habitat rehabilitation in a regulated river 76:207-228. Download pdf.

________, and J. D. Setka.  2004.  Evaluation of a spawning habitat enhancement site for Chinook salmon in a regulated California River.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:397-407.  Download pdf.

Merz, J.E. 2002.  Seasonal feeding habits of steelhead trout in the lower Mokelumne River, California.  California Fish and Game 88(3) 95-111.  Download pdf.

________ 2002.  Comparison of prickly sculpin and juvenile fall-run Chinook salmon diets in the lower Mokelumne River, California. Southwestern Naturalist 47(2):195-204.

________ 2001.  Association of fall-run chinook salmon redds and woody debris in the lower Mokelumne River, California.  California Fish and Game 87(2):1-15.  Download pdf.

________ 2001.  Diet of juvenile fall-run Chinook salmon in the lower Mokelumne River, California. California Fish and Game 87(3):11-26.

________, and C. D. Vanicek. 1996.  Comparative feeding habits of juvenile Chinook salmon, steelhead, and Sacramento squawfish in the lower American River, California.  California Fish and Game 82(4):149-159.

Pasternack, G. B., C. L. Wang and J. E. Merz.  2004.  Application of a 2D hydrodynamic model to design of reach-scale spawning gravel replenishment on the Mokelumne River, California.  River Research and Applications 20(2):205-225.  Download pdf.

Sieving, K., and 14 others.  1994.  The population crisis demands a focused agenda.  Conservation Biology 8(1): 305-307.

Wheaton, J.M., G. B. Pasternack and J. E. Merz. 2004. Spawning habitat rehabilitation – I.  Conceptual approach and methods. International Journal of River Basin Management 2(1):3–20.  Download pdf.

Wheaton, J.M., G. B. Pasternack and J. E. Merz. 2004.  Spawning habitat rehabilitation – II. Using hypothesis development and testing in design, Mokelumne River, California, U.S.A.  International Journal of River Basin Management 2(1):21-37.  Download pdf.

Workman, Michelle L. and Joseph E. Merz. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science. Vol. 5, Issue 1 February 2007]. Article 1.  http://repositories.cdlib.org/jmie/sfews/vol5/iss1/art1



Wheaton, J.M., G. B. Pasternack, and J. E. Merz.  2004. Including Habitat Heterogeneity In Salmonid Spawning Habitat Rehabilitation Design. In: Fifth International Symposium on Ecohydraulics in Madrid, September 12-17, 2004. Download pdf.

Williams, J.G., K. Vyverberg, T. Horner, and J.E. Merz. 2003. The hyporheic environment of larval Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawystcha in Central Valley streams.  Early Life History of Fishes In the San Francisco Estuary and Watershed.  Symposium and Proceedings Volume American Fisheries Society, Larval Fish Conference August 20-23, 2003.  University of California, Santa Cruz.

Wheaton, J.M., G.B.Pasternack, and J.E. Merz. 2003.  Salmonid Spawning Habitat Rehabilitation in Regulated Rivers. In: The Restoration Toolbox: Joint Regional Conference of Society for Ecological Restoration and Society of Wetland Scientists, Portland, OR.

Pasternack, GB, J.M. Wheaton, and J.E. Merz. 2003.  Interdisciplinary Approach to Rehabilitating Salmon Spawning Habitat and Fluvial Geomorphic Processes in the Central Valley. In: Second Biennial CALFED Science Conference, January 14-16, 2003, Sacramento, CA.

Pasternack, GB, Wheaton, J.M. and J.E. Merz, JE. 2001. Integrating Empirical Geomorphology, CAD and 2-D Hydraulic Models as Design Tools for Salmonid Spawning Gravel Rehabilitation Projects. Eos Trans. AGU, 82(47), University of California, Davis, Fall Meeting. Supplemental Abstract H52B-03992001.


last updated: 05/10/2007
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