Peter B.
Moyle has been studying the ecology and conservation of freshwater and
estuarine fishes in California for over 30 years.
He has documented the declining status of many native species in California as well as the
invasions of alien species. The interactions among native and alien species
in environments with varying degrees of disturbance have provided the basis
for his ecological studies. Dr. Moyle served as member of the Sierra Nevada
Ecosystem Project science team (1994-1996), developing strategies for the
conservation of fish, amphibians, and watersheds in the mountain range that
forms the state's backbone (and main source of water). He was also a member
of the Independent Science Board for the CALFED Ecosystem Restoration
Program. He is author/coauthor of over 150 peer-reviewed scientific papers,
5 books, and many other publications. For those of you who fish, keep an
aquarium or just admire fish for what they are, he shamelessly recommends
his Fish: an enthusiast's guide,
a cheap paperback published by University of California Press. The completely
revised and updated version of his book Inland
Fishes of California was recently published by the Press as well
(2002). He is a professor of fish biology in the Department of Wildlife,
Fish, and Conservation Biology, University of California, Davis, where he
teaches basic courses in ichthyology, wildlife conservation and watershed
order either of the above books try Amazon.com
or call California-Princeton Fulfillment Services @ 609-883-1759.
