I. Elements of Reasoning

1. How Reasons Connect to Conclusions

Our present task is to develop an understanding of practical implication, which is the sense of implication that interests us most in applied logic and the sense of implication we have in mind when we ask whether P is a good reason for Q.

We have said that in applied logic our fundamental concern is with the relation between reasons and conclusions. We will adopt the convention of representing this relationship schematically as follows:

When a specific reason is given for a specific conclusion, we will represent this by writing the reasons and conclusions inside the boxes with an R under the box containing the reason and a C under the box containing the conclusion. So, for example, if I tell you that I'm tired today because I slept badly last night, this can be represented as follows.

Let's think about this example. Everyone intuitively sees the connection between R and C above. It is an ordinary sort of reason to give for that sort of conclusion. But here is a question you may not be able to answer immediately: What exactly is the connection between R and C? If you posed C as a question (i.e., Why are you so tired today, Randy?) and I gave you R as an answer, why would you immediately recognize R as a comprehensible answer to your question?

It's kind of hard to understand what is being asked here, so let's put the question in a different way. Suppose I had said this instead: I'm tired today because the moon was full last night. Now this would have to be represented as follows:

I assume that in this case the connection between R and C isn't obvious at all. But why not? What is missing? What is the important difference between these two examples?


2. The Nature of Principles

The logician's answer to the questions posed above is this. Whenever we give a reason for a conclusion we implicitly invoke the authority of a principle. In the first example the reason is connected to the conclusion because it invokes a familiar principle, viz., "People who don't get enough sleep will be tired." In the second example the reason fails to connect to the conclusion because it invokes an unfamiliar principle, perhaps something like this "People are tired the day following a full moon."

To make this answer completely clear we need to address the following questions.

(1) What, exactly, is a principle?

(2) What does it means to invoke a principle?

(3) How does a principle connect a reason to a conclusion?


2.1 Principles are Rules

You are familiar with many different kinds of principles: legal principles, moral principles, scientific principles, mathematical principles, and all sorts of principles relating to the attempt to achieve specific goals (e.g., principles of carpentry, body building, cooking, animal husbandry, personal hygiene, etc.) All of these are rules that prescribe certain kinds of behavior or describe certain kinds of relationship. Rules or principles have two defining characteristics. First, they are general. Second, they are conditional.


2.1a The General Nature of Principles

The general nature of principles can be appreciated by considering the difference between these two statements.

(a) This ice cream is sweet.

(b) All ice cream is sweet.

Statement (a) is not a principle because it is not general; it just provides information about some specific helping of ice cream. But statement (b) is much more general than (a). It isn't about any particular helping of ice cream, but a general rule about ice cream itself. Obviously, (b) is quite a bit more powerful than (a). If all you know is (a) then you really don't know what to expect from your next bowl of ice cream. But if you know (b) then you know what to expect, not only from this bowl of ice cream, but from every bowl of ice cream you will ever get.

Generality is not an absolute property. It comes in degrees. In the above example (b) is more general than (a) but the following statement

(c) Everything is sweet.

is more general still. Of course, (c) is false, but that is not relevant at the moment.


2.1b Conditional Nature of Principles

The conditional nature of principles can be understood as follows. Statement (b) is equivalent to the following:

(d) If something is ice cream, then it is sweet.

We call this "if...then" statement a conditional statement because the "if" clause gives you a condition that must be fulfilled in order to get the content of the "then" clause. In logic the "if" clause is called the antecedent and the "then" clause is called the consequent..

Just about any principle can be rewritten in a conditional form and it is important to learn how to do it. One trick that facilitates the conditional representation of principles is to substitute algebraic variables for pronouns. So, (d) can actually be rewritten as follows:

(e) If X is ice cream, then X is sweet.

Introducing variables in this way is valuable in two respects. First, it makes the principles much less cumbersome to write. Second, it makes the general nature of the principle very explicit. This is because the generality of the principle is a function of the variables themselves.

Here are some examples of principles rewritten as conditionals. Notice that principles can have more than one variable.

(f) Professors are pretentious = If X is a professor, then X is pretentious.

(g) Dogs like to chase cats = If X is a dog and Y is a cat, then X likes to chase Y.

(h) Nobody likes complainers = If X is a complainer, then there is no Y that likes X.

(i) Hungry people eat whatever food is offered them = If X is a hungry person and edible Y is offered X, then X eats Y.

(j) Only a mother could love a face like an aardvark's = If X is a face like an aardvark's and Y loves X, then Y is a mother.


2.2 The Authority of Principles

A principle can be understood as a kind of license to move from a reason to a conclusion. Here is an analogy worth elaborating briefly. If you have a driver's license, you know that you are supposed to carry it with you whenever you operate a motor vehicle on a public road. You also know that the only time you ever actually have to produce your license is when an officer of the law asks you to, and the only time they are supposed to do this is when your driving behavior appears to be inconsistent with the law. Any other time you are driving a car it is just assumed that you are a licensed driver.

Considered as inference licenses, principles work in pretty much the same way. If the reason you produce for a certain conclusion is an ordinary sort of reason for that conclusion, then you will rarely be asked for the principle of your reasoning. We will just assume you are using a familiar principle. But if the reason you produce is not consistent with any known principle, then you will be pulled over and asked to produce your license. If you have a valid license, then you have the authority to make the inference. If you don't, then your reasoning will be arrested and you'll be taken in for further questioning.

So, going back to our original example, if I tell you that I'm tired today because the moon was full last night you might say: "What does the full moon have to do with you being tired?" You've just pulled me over and asked me for my license. For your question really is: What principle authorizes you to give that reason for that conclusion?


2.3 The Connecting Function of Principles

The connecting function of principles is a result of their status as generalized conditional statements. The arrow we draw between the reason and the conclusion will, from now on, stand for the principle and we will label it with a P, like this.

We noted above that in this example, P must be something like: People who don't get enough sleep will be tired. Conditionalized this would be: "If person X doesn't sleep well, then person X is tired." You should be able to see that the reason in this example is a particular instance of the antecedent of the conditional and the conclusion is a specific instance of the consequent of the conditional. This can be represented graphically as follows:

It may help here to think in terms of the "input/output" language of mathematical functions. For example x2 is a function that, written as a principle, says

(k) If input is x, then output is x2.

So, input a 2 and output a 4, input a 3 and output a 9, etc. In the above example the principle works in the same way. Input "Randy sleeps badly" and output "Randy is tired;" input "Martha sleeps badly" and you output "Martha is tired," etc..


Criteria for the Attribution of Principles

Earlier we observed that in ordinary reasoning contexts people do not state their principles unless they have been called into question. What makes this possible is that people who reason together tend to share a very large number of principles. This is actually what makes any form of cooperation possible. You do not have to state the rule you are following everytime you stop at a stop sign, or put a stamp on an evelope, or shake a person's hand when its extended in your direction. Everyone knows the principles involved in these actions.

Still, attributing the use of a particular principle to a particular individual is an intellectual undertaking, and there are some basic criteria (which are themselves rules) that must be followed. Most of these can be gleened from the preceding text, but we will now codify them below.

1. Every principle is a conditional (If...then) statement in which the antecedent, (the "if" clause) applies to the reason, and the consequent (the "then" clause) applies to the conclusion.

2. Every principle is more general than the reason/conclusion pair to which it applies. This generality can normally be achieved by the use of algebraic variables (x, y, z, u, v, w).

3. Every principle must make sense on its own. Among other things this usually requires that the variables that appear in the consequent of the principle also appear in the antecedent, and that they be used in the same way.

4. When more than one principle satisfying 1-3 above can be attributed, the principle that best fits the circumstances should be be employed.

The importance of the fourth critierion can be undestood as follws. If your friend says that he's going to see a movie tonight because he is bored, you might attribute the principle "If person X is bored, then X goes to see a movie." This satisifies criteria 1-3, but it may not be the principle involved. A better principle might be "If person X is bored, then X seeks some form of entertainment." It would be on the basis of having attributed a principle like this that you might suggest going to your friend's party instead.


3. Arguments and Explanations

Now that we know how reasons connect to conclusions, we need to ask a deeper question. Why do we connect reasons to conclusions? What, exactly, are we trying to achieve when we do this?

To begin to answer this question, recall the general way we characterized the study of logic: it is the study of how we can reliably increase our knowledge and understanding of the world. If you were reading this very closely you might have wondered whether knowledge and understanding were actually different concepts, or whether we were just saying the same thing in two different ways. The answer is that they are very different concepts and we will employ them now in articulating the two different functions of reasoning: argument and explanation.

The basic idea is this: you can know something without understanding it. For example, you can know that there is a stench in the air without understanding why there is a stench in the air; you can know that the sun is hot, without understanding why the sun is hot; you can know that you don't like someone without knowing why you don't like someone.

The distinction between knowing something and understanding it gives rise to different kinds of reasons: evidence and cause. When we ask "How do you know?" we are asking for evidence. When we ask "Why is it so?" we are asking for a cause.

Now let's develop this distinction a little more systematically. In the previous section we developed the following model of reasoning.


This structure is what, from now on, we will call a rationale. A rationale is any example of a reason connected to a conclusion by a principle.

Now we can formalize the distinction between knowing and understanding as follows. There are two kinds of rationales. The first we call an argument, the second we call an explanation. An argument is an attempt to answer the question "How do you know C (the conclusion) is true?" or "Why should one believe C to be true?" When we ask a question like this, we are thinking of the conclusion as a person's opinion and we are looking for a reason to believe that opinion. A reason to believe something is what we call evidence.

An explanation is an attempt to answer the question "Why is C so?" or "How did C come to be?" When we ask a question like this, we are usually convinced that the conclusion represents a fact, but now we are looking for the reason for its existence. Reasons of this sort we call causes.

All of what we have just said is represented in the diagram below:



The distinction between argument and explanation is absolutely fundamental to the study of logic and it is essential to become good at seeing the difference between them. In order to develop this ability you need to realize that any statement that describes the world can be understood as expressing a fact or as expressing an opinion. It all depends on the context in which the statement is made. Take, for example, the statement:

(k) This squirrel isn't afraid of people.

Now, considered as a conclusion of a rationale, would you be inclined to regard this statement as expressing an opinion or an accepted fact? Well, the answer, is that you really don't know until you hear the reason that is given for it. If I had said "The reason this squirrel isn't afraid of people is that people are always feeding it," you would say that (k) expresses an accepted fact, because I have just told you why (k) is so. On the other hand, If I had said "This squirrel isn't afraid of people. See, it eats right out of your hand," then you would say that (k) expresses an opinion, because I have just tried to convince you of (k) by giving a reason for thinking (k) is true.

The important thing to realize is that the distinction between explanation and argument is a fundamentally contextual distinction. Whether we call something an explanation or an argument depends upon what the person doing the reasoning is trying to accomplish with it.

II. More on the Difference Between Argument and Explanation

An ARGUMENT is a rationale designed to convince us of the truth of the conclusion by giving reasons which are evidence for the conclusion.

An EXPLANATION is a rationale designed to understand a certain fact by giving reasons which are causes of that fact. But even if you have a good grasp of this distinction, there will be times when it is difficult to determine whether a particular rationale is an explanation or an argument. So here are a couple of observations that will aid you in making this determination.

Normative conclusions: Recommendations and Value Judgments

Many of the rationales you construct will have normative conclusions. A normative conclusion is one that expresses some kind of value judgment and an explicit or implicit recommendation. All of the following are normative conclusions.

(1) Colin Powell would make a good president.

(2) The Auburn Dam should not be built.

(3) There is nothing wrong with prayer in public school.

(4) Americans are too concerned about making money.

(5) The San Francisco Giants ought to build a new stadium.


The following conclusions, however, are not normative, but simply descriptive.

(1') Colin Powell is not president.

(2') The Auburn dam is being built.

(3') Allowing prayer in public school is against the law.

(4') Americans are concerned about making money.

(5') The San Francisco Giants are building a new stadium.

It should be fairly obvious that normative statements can be the conclusions of arguments, for we often try to convince people to accept conclusions of this sort. But can they also be the conclusions of explanations? At first glance you might think so. We often say things like "Let me explain why Colin Powell should not be president." But in our way of thinking, a person who "explains" why Colin Powell should not be president is really trying to convince us of this. In fact, it is difficult to give any sense to the idea of explaining a value judgment, for value judgments do not express facts of the sort that can be caused. To see this, compare each normative statement in the first list above with its corresponding non-normative statement in the second list. The entries in the second list are all capable of entering into causal relations. Something might cause Patrick Buchanan not to become president; something might cause the Auburn dam to be built, but nothing really causes these outcomes to be good or bad.

Having said this, it is important to understand that value terms like "good" and "bad" are often used in a way that do not really express a recommendation, but which are really more or less synonymous with statements about the world. For example,

(6) Red wine is good for the heart.

(7) Forest fires are bad for the environment.

Statements like these may express vague recommendations, but their content is primarily empirical. The "goodness" here is identical to certain physical effects on arteries or ecosystems. So it can make just as much sense to talk about causes of (6) and (7) as evidence for them.

All this boils down to the following principle of analysis: If the conclusion of a rationale is a value judgment, expressing an explicit or implicit recommendation then the rationale itself should be understood as an argument.

Now, here is a tricky question: Is the following statement a value judgment?

(8) René believes that Colin Powell would make a good president.

The answer is no. Even though what René believes is a value judgment, statement (8) is not itself a value judgment. (8) just tells us what René believes, and it makes as much sense to talk about causes of (8) as it does to talk about evidence for it. Hence, depending on the context, a rationale for which (8) is the conclusion might be either an argument or an explanation. This leads us to our next topic: conclusions that express a person's psychological states.


Psychological Conclusions and Linguistic Behavior

Any statement we make about the world is the sort of thing that a person can come to accept or reject. The acceptance or rejection of this statement can be expressed in another statement that actually contains the first statement. Example:

(6) Red wine is good for the heart.

(6') Sheila believes that red wine is good for the heart.

(6") Sheila doubts that red wine is good for the heart.

(6"') Sheila said that red wine is good for the heart.

A conclusion about what a person believes, thinks, feels, or says is not the same as a conclusion about the content of the belief itself. So even though (6') - (6"') make explicit use of (6), they are actually very different statements. (6) is a statement about red wine, (6') - (6"') are statements about what Sheila believes and says about red wine. It is extremely important not to confuse these types of statements. All of them are the sort that may be either argued for or explained. That is, it makes as much sense to talk about arguing that red wine is good for your heart and explaining why red wine is good for your heart, as it does to talk about arguing that Sheila believes (or says ) red wine is good for your heart and explaining why Sheila believes (or says) red wine is good for your heart. But arguments and explanations for statements of type (6) will look very different from arguments and explanations for statements of types (6') and (6'').

Consider each of the following:

(8) Red wine is good for your health. Researchers have found that people who drink red wine regularly are less prone to heart attacks.

(9) The reason red wine can be good for your health is that it prevents the build up of cholesterol in the arteries of the heart.

(10) Sheila must believe that red wine is good for your health. She is very health conscious, and she drinks it with every meal.

(11) Sheila believes that red wine is good for your health because her doctor told her so.

Now, how are each of these to be understood? The answers are as follows. (8) is an argument that red wine is good for your health. (9) is an explanation why red wine is good for your health. (10) is an argument that Sheila believes that red wine is good for your health. (11) is an explanation why Sheila believes that red wine is good for your health.

It is extremely important to develop the ability to see the differences between these types of rationales. Those who can not, will often misconstrue the rationales of (10) and (11) by assuming that because (10) and (11) express Sheila's opinions they must be arguments purporting to establish that red wine is good for your heart. As we have seen, this would be a faulty analysis for both of these statements.


Reasoning About the Future

We often give reasons in support of conclusions about the future. For example,

(12) Tomorrow the moon will be full.

(13) Mr. Pheeper is going to die someday.

(14) An asteroid will wipe out life on earth in the year 2947.

It is fairly obvious that conclusions such as these may be argued for; the question is whether they can also be explained. You might think not, because, like value judgments, claims about what is going to happen in the future seem to be essentially a matter of opinion. But this is really not true. Consider (12) above. It is perfectly natural to say that right now it is either a fact or not a fact that the moon will be full tomorrow. When you think about how accurately we can predict such matters it makes perfect sense for someone to accept it as a fact that on a certain date the moon will be full and then go on to ask for an explanation of this fact. There is actually no good reason to define a fact as something that has already occurred. Indeed, claims about the remote past or even what is happening presently in a remote location can be much more a matter of opinion than claims about the future.

So the only way to determine whether conclusions about the future are being argued for or explained is just to pay very close attention to the context. And the truth is that sometimes it is just impossible to tell. In (13) it is reasonable to assume that a person knows that she is going to die at some point in the future. On the other hand, (14) is such a bold prediction, that one would normally expect to get an argument in support of such a claim. However, if the year were 2946 this claim might have been regarded as common knowledge for centuries so that anything given in support of it would be understood as an explanation rather than an argument.

III. Disentangling Arguments and Explanations

Until now we have been speaking as if any given passage of reasoning can be identified as either an argument or an explanation. This is a defensible idealization, but it's not correct. Sometimes it is just not clear whether someone is arguing or explaining. (After all, lots of people don't even know the difference.) Sometimes, for example, people will clearly be trying to convince us of something, but will give reasons that are causes rather than evidence. We'll see examples of this later.

But it is not always incompetence or lack of clarity that gets arguments and explanations tangled up. We often see this because arguments tend to give rise to explanations, and vice versa. For example, if someone argues compellingly that the war in Iraq was a colossal mistake; this naturally raises the explanatory question: Why did we do it? If someone were to claim that the reason we did it was to secure U.S. oil interests in that region, a curious person would naturally ask: How do you know that? Authors constantly anticipate questions like these, and consequently you will see arguments and explanations occurring together even in very short passages of reasoning. Consider the following examples.

1. Men simply have no business becoming gynecologists or obstetricians. There are plenty of competent women trying to get into the field, and most women patients prefer their ob-gyn’s to be women. But most are still men and that’s just one more example of the insensitivity of the medical establishment to the needs of women.

2. It is ridiculous that Ichiro Suzuki was voted the American League Rookie of the year for 2001. He wasn’t a rookie. He had 10 years of experience in Japan before coming here. Why do you think he was so good his first year here? Duh!

3. We can’t blame the activities of Islamic extremists on the culture or teachings of Islam. Islam doesn’t condone or promote terrorism. People just want to think otherwise because it satisfies their own racist impulses and their desire to escape responsibility for the havoc we have caused in Middle Eastern countries during the last century.

4. A recent study shows that mammograms are not more effective in preventing breast cancer than manual methods. Previous studies indicated otherwise because they failed to correct for certain variables, like the fact that women who have mammograms are more likely to have annual exams.

5. The reason we recognize intellectual property rights at all is to provide economic incentives to inventors and entrepreneurs. But patents and copyrights can’t last forever, because that allows corporations to monopolize entire industries and it interferes with the free exchange of ideas. That’s why it’s regrettable that the U.S. Congress keeps extending the period of copyrights. They will keep doing it, too, since money from these corporations is what keeps our politicians in office.

Each of these examples presents at least one argument and one explanation. In the first example, the author argues that men shouldn’t be ob-gyns and explains the fact that they continue to predominate in terms of the establishment’s insensitivity to the needs of women patients. In the second example the author argues that Ichiro shouldn’t have been picked as the NL Rookie of the Year and explains the player’s prowess in terms of the fact that he was already an experienced player. The third example argues that terrorism should not be blamed on Islam and explains the tendency to do so in terms of racism and the desire to escape blame. The fourth example argues that mammograms are not more effective in preventing breast cancer and explains the prior belief that they are in terms of flawed studies. Finally, the fifth example explains why we have intellectual property rights, argues that Congress should not keep extending their period of duration, and explains why we will carry on doing so.

Obviously if you don’t understand the difference between argument and explanation you don’t have a prayer of analyzing reasoning like this correctly. But even if you do it can be pretty difficult. In the middle of analyzing a complicated piece of reasoning it’s easy to forget that you are working on an explanation and start tacking on pieces of evidence.

The more you pay attention to this distinction, the more you’ll see that the majority of articles that advance and defend a particular point of view are not simply arguments or explanations, but a combination of both types of rationale in which the author both argues for a particular claim and explains away contradictory claims and phenomena. For example, an argument for legalizing marijuana is supported by an explanation of why people oppose legalization and/or how marijuana came to be criminalized; an argument for developing alternative energy resources is supported by an explanation of why there is so little public interest in it; an argument that a study published in a leading scientific journal is fraudulent is supported by an explanation of how it managed to pass peer review. But you will also start to notice the pervasiveness of a certain kind of confusion, of which the following is an example.

6. Increasing the minimum wage harms the very people it is intended to help. In order to regain their profit margin employers simply terminate a certain percentage of their lowest paid employees and require those who remain to be more productive. The inevitable result: higher unemployment and poorer working conditions than before.

Is this an argument or an explanation? The answer is that, while it has the "feel" of an argument against raising the minimum wage, it is actually an explanation why increasing the minimum wage hurts those it is intended to help. I call this a convincing explanation, not simply in the sense that it is a fairly plausible sounding causal account of the phenomenon at issue, but rather in the sense that, having read it, we are now more convinced than before that the phenomenon being explained actually occurs; this, in spite of the fact, that not a shred of evidence for it has actually been given.

Our vocabulary makes it easy to characterize this sort of error, which consists simply in attributing argumentative force to an explanation. (This occurs in various fallacies, including circumstantial ad hominem and the genetic fallacy, both of which rely on substituting explanatory for argumentative reasoning).

A modified version of the error -somewhat more difficult to detect- occurs when rationales that begin as genuine arguments are illegitimately supplemented with explanatory reasons. For example:

7. People with persistent, incapacitating lower back pain should consider spinal fusion surgery. The surgery is increasingly recommended and performed by both orthopedic surgeons and neurosurgeons. Last year alone surgeons performed approximately a hundred and fifty thousand lower-lumbar spinal fusions. The operation works by removing lumbar disks and mechanically bracing the vertebrae. This significantly reduces spinal instability, which causes lower back pain.

Notice that the argument does give some evidence for the value of spinal fusion surgery, namely that it is widely performed and increasingly recommended by experts. However, no statistical evidence supports the most significant claim, viz., that the procedure actually works. Instead we are given an explanation of how it works. The effect here is the same as in the first example. If we fail to analyze this as two distinct rationales, an argument for considering spinal fusion therapy and an explanation how it works, the argument becomes speciously convincing.

It is difficult to overstate our susceptibility to convincing explanations. Bad science obviously prospers a great deal from offering convincing explanations of non-existent facts. For example, repressed memory therapists offer a plausible explanation of their ability to help patients recall forgotten events, just little independent evidence that these events actually occurred. But mainstream science employs convincing explanations with equal facility. For example, it offers compelling descriptions of the causal mechanism behind the benefits of mammography, arthroscopic knee surgery, estrogen replacement therapy, full body scanning, and low fat diets. What it cannot give us, as good scientists themselves will remind us, is compelling evidence that these benefits actually occur. Hence, a clear grasp of the relation between argument and explanation provides the thinking layperson with a powerful tool for evaluating scientific reasoning.

AUTHOR: G. Randolph Mayes
California State University, Sacramento