What are image maps?

Image maps are pictures (graphics or characters) that have clickable hot spots. Big deal, eh? By now you know that graphics and characters can be hyperlinks, so who needs a clickable image map? Well, image maps can make a complex site entrance simple because the whole page can have just a single graphic on it, yet that graphic can have several clickable hotlinks. Another good reason for using an image map, as you will see shortly, is that image maps allow you to save words as graphics which means that the font style you choose is preserved. Image maps can also be efficient, appealing to the eye, and intuitive. Here's an example of all this in the site entrance to the Pleasant Ridge School District. Click on any image and you'll go somewhere. This is a single jpeg image with clickable hot spots.

Getting started

There are several steps in creating an image map. Open any graphic program that will allow you to type words or add images. I like to use HyperStudio for this because of all it's options.

Cropping your image and saving it as a GIF image

Adding the graphic to PageMill

Making the clickable image map

That was really complicated, but fun!

Check out the Site Entrance for this series of PageMill lessons. It was created as I wrote this lesson.

On to Lesson 6: Uploading