Whack 3.01

A Whack in Time, Saves Nine

In A Whack on the Side of the Head, Roger Von Oech advises us to turn things around to obtain a different perspective. "Reversing your viewpoint is a great way to sharpen your thinking. Try disagreeing with people with whose ideas, principles, and beliefs you usually agree. You may find that the opposite view makes more sense." Pg. 132

In this exercise, take time with a partner (the watering hole) to examine a favorite old saying such as those provided on page 133 of Dr. Von Oech's book. Reverse the common sense, come to the "campfire" and present the class with a brief monologue (or dialogue) that provides comic relief to some age-old wisdom.

By yourself (the cave), reflect on one aspect of your own web site project in this same manner. For example, you might examine the initial problem you intend to present to your audience. Reverse your viewpoint and see if you can get another perspective that may help you see your project in a different light. You may get some insight into how to present the problem in an engaging manner that you may not have considered previously.