Welcome to the Communication Age


Studio Assignments

Below are your studio assignments for Tuesday's MOO discussions. At the right are your role assignments. Use the time in the studios to discuss the three questions below.

We will meet back in my office at W1712 at 8 pm to hear the reporters summarize the three discussions. Further comments will be added after each summary. We should be finished by 8:30 pm.

Group Roles:

  • Facilitator leads the discussion
  • Reporter later will summarize for the group
  • Taskmaster keeps the group on task
Studio 1: Susan, Dave, Kristin (and later Sylvia)
  • Susan is the facilitator
  • Dave is the reporter
  • Kristin is the taskmaster
Studio 2: Debby, Maria, Meghan, and Elisa
  • Maria is the facilitator
  • Meghan is the reporter
  • Elisa is the taskmaster
Studio 3: Jeff, Amanda, Bruce and Robert
  • Jeff is the facilitator
  • Amanda is the reporter
  • Robert is the taskmaster

Discussion Questions

1) IntelliWorks buys Grassy Ridge! How can this unification of business and education be beneficial and/or harmful to the future of education?

2) Dr. Thornburg mentions that people need a "...tolerance for ambiguity" among other qualities to develop the skills needed to secure high paying jobs that build our economy. What is this "tolerance for ambiguity" and how do educators develop that in their students?

3) Educators have often not been considered professional workers. Their pay is not commensurate with the years of training undertaken to receive credentialing. They are rarely in the decision-making process where policy and ethical issues are concerned. Their professional direction is often determined by legislation, state and local governing bodies and textbook publishers. How is it even possible to "do different things" as Dr. Thornburg claims is necessary as we enter the Communication Age?