Your progress on your action research component of the portfolio is apparent. Keep up the momentum. You all realize that very soon, you'll be walking around with a new "degree" of dignity! Below are your assignments for online session.

  1. If it's ready, in an email attachment to the Amigos, send your in-progress Review of Literature utilizing the Big V format clarified below.
  2. The Big V format is simple but logical. Present your paper from the most general literature reviewed to the most specific. Use logical headings to show topic sections and, at the end of the review, transition to a paragraph or two about the focus of your action research project.
  3. For the next session, have printed documents ready to share. Share plans for observation and interviews useful for data collection along with your ideas as to how you plan to analyze the data you get.

More about the Review of Literature for the Action Research project:

Happy hunting,

The Amigos