Topic of Stack __________________________________

Authors __________________________________

Focused Topic

The stack's information rambles and does not direct the user to the content or concept

Briefly mentions a content or concept but does not elaborate

Describes the content or concept and elaborates marginally on  the goals and/or the importance of this area of study

Stack clearly defines content or concept and goes on to compel the user to explore further

Development of Content of Concept

Never defines the content or concept Defines the content or concept marginally Defines the content or concept with specific examples that clarify

Gives examples that connect the concept or content with previous learning experiences

Extension of the Content or Concept Does not extend the content or concept Extends the  content or concept to include new ideas

Compares or contrasts new ideas with previous knowledge 

Shows many ways that the new learning can be applied

Navigation and Structure Lacks structure or logical flow Linear connections

Stack presents opportunities for students to explore without getting lost

Navigation and structure are attractive and seamless

Clear and Understandable

Very difficult to follow

Mostly difficult to follow and understand

Mostly easy to understand

Easy to interpret and follow the message

Correct grammar and spelling

Very frequent grammar and/or spelling errors

A few grammar and/or spelling errors

Only one or two errors in spelling/grammar

All grammar and spelling are correct
