Jumping into Synectics with Word


  1. Starting Word
    1. Find the Word Shortcut on your desktop and double-click on it.
      1. What happened? ______________________________________________
    2. Find the Office Shortcut Bar and click on the "New Office Document" button.
      1. Did the same thing happen? _______________________________________
    3. Click on "Start" on the Windows Taskbar. Go to "Programs" and select Microsoft Word.
      1. Anything different here? __________________________________________________
    4. Find an existing document and double-click on it.
      1. What do you think will happen? ________________________________________________
    5. If you're already in Word (You're gifted and the cart is perpetually before the horse!) just select FileÞ Open or FileÞ New
      1. What happens when you do that? _______________________________________________
    6. Are there any other ways? Office ought to be called Options, because it offers us so many things to forget.
      1. There are other ways. Look at the Toolbar.
      2. What did you find out? ________________________________________________________
  2. Saving a document
    1. Select File =>Save As… (or Alt + F + A)
      1. Name your document or else it will be called Doc1
      2. What should you do if you just don't like the name Doc1, Doc2, etc? _______________________________________________________________
      3. Now you need to follow your path to the Volume you were told to use for this class.
      4. Hit Enter or Save
    2. Select File => Save
      1. If you haven't saved before, this command does exactly the same thing as File => Save As…
      2. Name your document or else it will be called Doc1
        1. Do you really like Doc1 as a name? ________ What should you do?_________________________________________________________
    3. Hit Ctrl + S
      1. If you haven't saved before, this command does exactly the same thing as File => Save As…
      2. Name your document or else it will be called Doc1
      3. You know the routine by now.
    4. Any other ways to save? Check out the icons on the Toolbar.
      1. Go on. Tell me another way to save. You know you want to. _______________________________________________________________
  3. Entering text and other cool stuff.
    1. Just type something.
      1. Use the toolbar and see if you can find out how to center, left or right justify your text. What did you discover? __________________________________
      2. Click on Normal (It's normally called the Style Menu) and explore that for a while. There's more, so don't get carried away being Normal.
      3. Make your text bigger or smaller. List the options you have for doing this below. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
      4. What else can you do with text to make it look better than your students' handwriting? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  4. Want to know more?

    1. Hanging Indent
      1. Place the insert cursor inside the paragraph somewhere. It doesn't matter where.
      2. Select Format => Drop Cap…
      3. Choose the type of Drop Capital you want and click OK or Cancel.
      4. Cool, eh? ________
    2. Adding Symbols
      1. Useful and really cool symbols like those that follow can be added easily to Word documents.
        1. l e Y f q S " % m Ü Ý » P p (some of these didn't come out in HTML)
      2. Place the Insertion cursor where you want the symbol.
      3. Select Insert => Symbol (or Alt + I + S)
      4. Double-click the symbol you want, or select and click on Insert.
    3. Auto Text
      1. Select Insert => Auto Text and choose what you want to insert.
      2. What did you choose? ___________________________________
      3. Did you remember to place the insertion cursor where you want the Auto Text to appear? ____________________ Good!
    4. Making your own Auto Text entries. Page 70 of the text.
      1. The image to the right was added with Auto Text.
    5. Adding Clip Art
      1. Select Insert => Picture => Clip Art… or From File… and follow the directions.
      2. If you choose "From File…", you'll need to have some files on hand from another source. In the second session, I'll show you how to do this using the Internet. On the other hand, if you already know how to "Save an image as…" in Netscape or Explorer, get right to it. Just be sure to save the image in your own folder or directory.
    6. Drawing all over your document.
      1. Select View => Toolbars Þ Drawing
      2. You'll get a nicely organized set of drawing tools that beat the standard Crayola box you used to get in your stocking at Christmas.
      3. Play with it until you get into serious trouble. Then save your document. Or not. You can also print your creations out if you want. It's not my paper.
    7. Word Art
      1. Write something
      2. Select View => Toolbars => Word Art
      3. Select the icon on the far left of the Word Art toolbar and make your choice.
      4. This is an Example of what you get. (Except it didn't transalate in HTML.)