This is a simple paint program that comes with Windows.  It will serve our purpose in converting clipboard images to GIF or JPG.

Follow these simple steps.

  1. Create the image you want.  I used HyperStudio because it has a number of options that I like, but any program that allows you to create text and images will work, even Microsoft Paint. 
  2. When your image is just perfect, print the screen by pressing Alt + PrtSc. This places an image in the Windows Clipboard.
  3. Next, open Paint by going to Start => Programs => Accessories => Paint.
  4. When Paint opens, choose Edit => Paste, and your clipboard image is pasted into paint.
  5. Click outside the work area and the Select Tool is enabled.  You can also click on the Select Tool in the Toolbar.  It's a box with broken lines.
  6. Click and drag to select only the part of the image you want, then choose Edit => Copy.
  7. Next, you need to open a new, blank file.  Go to File => New.  You'll be asked if you want to save the last one. You don't need to save that one.
  8. In the new file, click on Edit => Paste, and you'll see what you selected and copied (and now pasted).
  9. If Windows tells you the area is too small, let Windows enlarge the area for you.  No worries!
  10. You can size your workspace by clicking and dragging the lower, right corner of the work area so your image is just the right size.  Remember, larger images take up more space and are slow to load.
  11. When the image is perfect, go to File => Save As... and save as a GIF (Graphic Interchange Format).  Save in the image folder in your web.  Save with lowercase letters and the correct extension (.gif).
  12. Now you can use the image in a webpage.  You can also create hot spots on the image to create an image map.

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