Action Research: Integrating Curricular Strategies and Technology

Team Members:

Project Name:


This rubric is to be used with the Portfolio Project on Action Research. It is divided into three distinct categories: 1) rubrics for the presentation portion itself, 2) rubrics for the product developed and presented for the project, and 3) rubrics for the research portion. Please use these rubrics as guidelines as you develop your project. By focusing your development in conjunction with these rubrics, you can be assured that your project will fulfill all major requirements and be successful.



Points Possible

 Score 1 to 5

 Score 6 to 10

Visual Appeal


There are a few graphic elements. There is some variation in type size, color, and layout.



Appealing graphic elements are included appropriately. Differences in type size and/or color are used well.

Attention is focused on the lesson through the use of visual elements.


Motivational Effectiveness

Project relates to the requirements of this assignment and the introduction identifies an instructional strategy, the technology to be utilized, and a curricular focus.

The project draws the audience into the lesson by highlighting the importance of the strategy (or strategies) that will be used within an identified curricular area and integrated with technology.


Cognitive Effectiveness

Introduction makes some reference to the audience's prior knowledge and previews to some extent the relevant research.



The Introduction builds on the prior knowledge of the audience by summarizing important concepts or principles, and effectively preparing the audience for the presentation by foreshadowing new ideas and methodologies.

Total Points for Presentation:


User Cognitive Level

Audience can see that the learner tasks require awareness of information and/or putting together information from several sources.



Audience perceives that the task requires processing information, and/or operating in appropriate ways that facilitate learning at levels beyond memorization and comprehension. See Dr. Hannah's Framework for Instruction and Learning.


User Technical Requirements

Audience is aware that the learners' tasks require knowledge of equipment and procedures.


Audience perceives that the learners' tasks require a working knowledge of equipment and procedures and that the technology is an integral piece of the learning process.



Some directions are given, but there is missing information. Students might be confused.

The audience will see that students understand how they are expected to behave and perform.


Collaboration / Constructivism

  • Information is given but complex processing activities are lacking.

  • Students have opportunity for collaboration.


  • The audience may see that students are constructing new knowledge as they proceed with the lesson or project.

  • Students are required to collaborate in a constructivist environment.

Total Points for Product



A research problem is stated. Some research findings are demonstrated in the presentation of the project.




  • A research problem is stated.
  • The purpose is clear.
  • Resources provided will make it clear to the audience that there is research that supports the strategy (ies).
  • The findings are related to the stated problem and purpose.



The audience can follow the steps outlined in conducting this piece of action research.


The audience will be able to conduct similar action research at appropriate levels.




Results are described.





  • The method for evaluating the integration of technology and strategies is explained.
  • Connections between the activities conducted and online and library research are made.
  • Suggestions for further research are presented.

Total Points for Research

Total Score:



  • A score of 80 points and above is considered "Outstanding" and the project should be awarded the highest marks (A+).
  • A score of 65 to 79 is considered to be "Excellent" and the project should be given an A grade.
  • A score of 60 to 64 is an accomplished project and a B+ is recommended.
  • A score of 40 to 49 shows that the project needs more development and a B grade or lower should be given.

Credit for the basic content of this rubric goes to Bernie Dodge.