The iMET Song

Way down in Sacramento at the CSU,

Way back up in the lab among the CPUs.

There formed a group of scholars ... call 'em iMET Three,

The vision and the purpose was the Master's Degree.

They all collaborated, and they learned so well,

That their community of practice just began to gel.



So go! Go iMET, go! Go! Go!

Go, iMET go! Go! Go!

Go, iMET go! Go! Go!

Go, iMET go! Go! Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

iMET be good!

Summers almost over now iMet begins

Last night they showed us check out & today check in

This is so much fun, it must be a sin

Bruce with his guitar makes us want to grin

Mike's trip on the grapevine almost did him in

Tonight, we get the dirt on Mary-Ann!


She left her Mama and she left her Pa

She came to Sacramento,  couldn't find the spa

It was a hot night in August, near a hundred and five

The Vagabond in Sac was the place to jive

We all spun our wheels and  we met the crew

We'll  learn from the campfire and know what to do


A weary group of travelers who met at the inn

Just like Chaucer we couldn't wait to begin

Full of aspirations for a masters degree, they look towards their leaders for empathy

Research and style points are the words of they way,  what the heck does "wet ware" mean anyway?


We just left school and we're back again!

Tryin' to learn computers and to make new friends.

Come to Sacramento----where it's at!

Time to put on our technology hats.

iMET is the program that we love to do;

Learn the computer---get the Master's, too!


We sat by the pool until we fell asleep

Tryin' to think of lyrics that we wanna keep.

We reached so deep into the well

We reached so deep that we almost fell.

Research, campfires, wants/needs/gots,

Style points, chat, check-in/check-out.


We knew each other better by the end of the week,

Like finding out that David is the "ubergeek."

Mary-Ann enjoyed her limoncello shot,

Boy! That night you should have seen the way she taught!

Playing "Family Feud" it was the way to go,

But when did dynamite appear in "rochambeau."

Refrain to end