The local ETMA time ...

Date (Count the days!)
Time for organization!

February 26, 2001

7:00 Arrival and greetings (Time for bantering and checking in)

7:15 Assignments for the evening.

There are two events for the evening:

The Discussion Groups The Tasks and Discussion Topics
Facilitators are identified next to the meeting room.


  • Facilitators keep the flow of the discussion and assign a recorder.
  • Recorders use a word processor to summarize key points and post during larger discussion.

Red - Deb

  • Sallee
  • Colleen
  • Tom
  • Mike
  • Z

Blue - Stuart

  • Carolyn
  • Jan
  • Karen
  • Andy
  • Pat

Green - Rick

  • Barbara G.
  • Barbara S.
  • Dennis
  • Joe
  • Wendy

Yellow - Laurel

  • Bryon
  • Neal
  • Roger
  • Trish


7:25 Meet with your assigned groups. 

7:30 - 8:15 Read the brief lecture on the Big V format and the examples provided. There is a Powerpoint by Dr. Cowan from CSUS, and a sample literature review done by Mingo Greco and Ione Ringen.

Think about how you have organized (or will organize) your literature review. Use your word processor and write a paragraph in which you explain how your review is (will be) organized. Paste this paragraph into the text area in Tapped In when your leader indicates.

Note: The text area of Tapped In will recognize paragraph returns. If you use more than one paragraph for your description, you'll need to copy and paste subsequent paragraphs separately. You'll see what we mean.

8:15 - 9:00 Individuals or partners will present the organizational description of literature reviews to the small group and note comments. The recorder for the group needs to record particularly effective plans. These ideas will later be shared.

9:00 - 9:15 Take a break

9:15 - 9:30 In preparation for the final discussions tonight, check the remainder of the agenda for the evening.

Organization of the Literature Review

9:15 Discussions

9:30 That's a wrap!