February 28, 2001

The local iMET time ...

Time for some WebQuests!

7:00 Arrival and greetings (Time for bantering)

7:15 Check-in 

7:25 Assignments for the evening.

There are three events for the evening:

The Discussion Groups The Tasks and Discussion Topics


  • Christie
  • Laverne
  • Cathie
  • Antares


  • Wendy
  • Marco
  • Jeff


  • Julie
  • David
  • Deborah
  • Richard


  • Alix
  • Rob
  • Marc
  • Mark

7:25 Move to your groups. Note: We may need to rearrange a little if there are others who would like to present a completed (or nearly finished) WebQuest.

Read through the WebQuest page. The WebQuest you are creating is scheduled to be uploaded during the week of March 4, 2001. That's next week. You may not have had a chance to get critical feedback on your project, and so we're going to take a look at the work of Christie and Mica this evening. There may be other groups that wish to present their WebQuest tonight as well.

7:25 - 8:00 Leaders need to facilitate in selecting a recorder for the group.

After considering the guidelines for WebQuests, look at Dragons: Real or Imagined from a critical perspective. The authors will want feedback.

8:00 - 8:30

In your groups, discuss Dragon's: Real or Imagined. Help Christie and Mica by asking questions or giving suggestions.

8:30 Take a break.

8:45 - 9:15  In preparation for the final discussions tonight, check the remainder of the agenda for the evening.

Dragon's: Real or Imagined

8:45 Discussions

  1. Mica's group
  2. Scotty's group
  3. Gail's group
    • Comments from the larger group
  4. Jerry's group

9:15 That's a wrap! This is a short agenda to allow people time to work on WebQuests.

Back to the Culminating Experience.