Educational Applications of Computers

Teacher Education 232 (3 units) Spring, 1999

Course Description: This course focuses on the use of computer-based tools in the classroom. Participants will use application programs (data base, word processing, spreadsheets, hypermedia) to develop instructional lessons and materials in various areas of the curriculum and as teacher utilities.

Prerequisite: EDTE 230 or EDTE 231.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to do the following:

a. identify teacher uses for data base management, spreadsheets, word processing and other application programs;
b. identify curricular applications for the above, including their uses in developing thinking and communication skills;
c. develop instructional materials, including lesson plans, incorporating these application programs into the regular curriculum;
d. develop utility applications for these programs;
e. develop hypermedia stacks to use within the curriculum;
f. gather data using telecommunications; and
g. demonstrate understanding of the societal impact of computers and computer technology (e.g., impact on ethics and values, lives and careers, consumer skills).

Course Grading will be based on performance in the following areas:

• Word processing activity and written description. (15%)
• Instructional data base and written description. (10%)
• Utility data base and written description. (5%)
• Utility spreadsheet and written description. (10%)
• Teaching unit integrating the use of data base, spreadsheet
and/or word processing or hypermedia into the curriculum. (60%)

Required: Salkind, Neil J. Microsoft Office 97 for Windows for teachers. IDG Books.

Instructor: Bruce McVicker

Office hours: TBA

Phone numbers: school: 268-2815
home: 273-4983
