Kapitel 11- 28 Okt. 2005

Internetaufgabe für Freitag:
-Grammatik 11.1 in our text Wie geht's explains the usage and forms of the Simple Past in German and your Internet assignment for today will allow you to recognize and use the Imperfekt (Simple Past) more effectively.
- The following link Gebrüder Grimm connects you to an index of German Fairytales by the Brothers Grimm.
Your Assignment (Part 1):
Select the tale Aschenputtel (Cinderella).
- Print a copy of the original German.
- Read through the story and underline all verbs that are used in the Simple Past. (Your text has an extensive listing of these on pages 288-294.)
- When you are finished, take the short quiz on Aschenputtel.
Your Assignment (Part 2):
- Now you will be writing your own Märchen!
Read a few of the other Märchen at the Gebrüder Grimm link to gather some ideas about fairytales. You might pick a few stories that you already know and read a couple that are new to you.
- Brainstorm/Develop a list about typical characters in Fairytales and some of the standard plots/plot twists that develop. Most important: Use what you know!!!
- Now you can select and print the outline for your own Märchen.

Please bring these 2 completed assignments to class on Monday!!
schönes Wochenende und viel Spaß im Internet!!!

Prof. Mays