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Title: |
Professor |
Hours: |
FALL 2022 (Zoom or In-person)
11AM - 12PM on TR
3PM - 4PM on W
or Appointment
E-mail: |
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Email is the best way to reach me. |
Phone & Fax: |
278 - 6333
(916) 278 - 5502
Address: |
of World Languages and Literatures
California State University, Sacramento
6000 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95819-6087 |

Japanese Language Program
Courses and Japanese Language Learning at Sac State ::
FALL 2022
👩🏻 I am teaching the following classe in fall 2022. All course information will be posted in Canvas.
1. JAPN1A (Sec 4): MW 2 - 2:50am; TR 1:30 - 2:45pm
Textbook Genki (3rd edition): The fall semester will start on August 30th. I highly recommend that you would start learning Japanese Kana (Hiragana and Katakana). We will spend the first couple of weeks in working on Hiragana, but this early learning will significantly help your learning for JAPN1A class.
Free Hiragana learning apps: https://minato-jf.jp/Home/JapaneseApplication
- HIRAGANA Memory Hint English Version - Free
- KATAKANA Memory Hint English Version - Free
Self-study courses (Free)
Other Hiragana/Katakana Learning sites
2. JAPN116A : M/W 12:00am - 1:15pm + One hour (Asynchronous)
Textbook: Tobira - Gateway to Advanced Japanese
3. JAPN150 : TU/TR 3:00pm - 4:15pm
Textbook: Try! Japanese Proficiency Test N3
4. JAPN199
Independent Study
Spring 2023 (OLD)
1. JAPN1B (Sec 3) - MW: 12:00 - 1:15pm & TU/TR: 12:00 - 12:50pm - COURSE SYLLABUS-JAPN1B
2. JAPN116B - MTWR 9:00am - 9:50am - COURSE SYLLABUS-JAPN116B
3. JAPN110 - TU/TR 3:00pm - 4:15pm - COURSE SYLLABUS-JAPN110
Are you interested in the Japanese Minor Program? To attain a Minor in Japanese, students need to complete four (4) advanced language courses, which are taught in Japanese. Recommended courses are JAPN 116A, JAPN 116B, JAPN 110 & JAPN 150 (12 units).
3rd year |
JAPN116A |
JAPN116B |
4th year |
JAPN150 (JLPT) |
JAPN110 |
- If you plan to graduate in two years, you can take one class per semester.
- If you plan to graduate in three semesters, you may take two classes in Spring 2023, and the last one in Fall 2023.
- If you want to complete the Japanese Minor in one year, you may take two classes simultaneously for two semesters. However, this is a very intense schedule. Consult with your instructor.
- JAPN120 & 199 can be used towards the Minor (Talk to a Japanese Minor adviser).
- Units earned through a Japan study abroad programs (Waseda University, Tsukuba University, Yokohama National University, Ehime University, Shinshu University) can be used towards the Japanese Minor Program as long as they are upper-division level courses. Please discuss this with your instructor.
JAPAN CLUB Japan Club (J-club web page)
Other Important Links
うさぎちゃんページ Usagi-chan Genki Resource Page by Andrea Shea and Kazue Masuyama
Hiragana Learning Compiled by Kazue Masuyama
Japanese Language Program at CSUS
Online Resource for CSUS students
Link to Department of World Languages and Literatures

Born and raised in Japan. Prior to coming to Sacramento State University in 2002, I had served as a Japanese language instructor and specialist at four other universities and two US based school districts. I am interested in language teaching and learning, assessment, educational technology, professional development, global education, and translation. As a Japanese language expert, I have served as a number of national-level development committee member to create Japanese language assessment tools. I also currently serve as Chief Reader of College Board's Japanese AP Language and Culture Exam (2018 - ) and Principal Investigator of California Capital World Language Project (2009 - present). I love playing racket sports🏓, practicing yoga, and creative art.
RESEARCH INTERESTS/AREAS: Japanese-language pedagogy; educational technology; second-language acquisition, language assessment; curriculum development; professional development; history of Japanese language instruction; global education; translation of historical documents.
PROFESSIONAL CREDENTIALS: California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) & Single-Subject Assessments for Teaching in Japanese (SSAT-J), 2000; ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview Tester Certificate, 1994; Certificate of Japanese Calligraphy Instruction, Nihon Bunka Shodoo Kai.
POSITIONS (Japanese Language Teaching & Research)
Professor (Fall 2013 - Present)
Area Head for the Japanese Language Program (2007 - )
Adviser for Japanese Minor & Asian Studies Program
Associate Professor (Fall 2008 ~ Spring 2013),
Assistant Professor (Fall
2003 ~Spring 2008), & Instructor (Spring
2002 - Spring 2003)
Other Responsibilities
Past Teaching and Working Experience
Lecturer (With Dr. Eiko Ushida) “Basic Concepts of Japanese Language Teaching,” one of JOINT (Japanese Online Instruction Network for Teachers) Online Courses for Teachers of Japanese offered by AATJ, 2010 & 2012.
Assistant Director, Mary Tsukamoto California Japanese Language
Academy, Elk Grove, California-Japanese language teacher credentialing program, 1999-2000.
Coordinator& Instructor, State University of New York at Buffalo,
Buffalo, New York, 1993-1999.
Instructor, University of California at Davis, Davis, California, 1992-1993.
Instructor, TA, & research assistant, University of Oregon,
Eugene, Oregon, 1990-1992.
Instructor, Summer Japanese Language
Program, International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan, 1999, 2001, 2002, and 2004.
At CSUS: JAPN1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B, 110, 120, 116A, 116B, 150, 194, 199, Matsuyama faculty-led program
Japanese language courses (Elementary to Advanced), Japanese for Specific Purpose (Japanese for Business and Science), Japanese language pedagogy (MA level), Japanese Literature, Culture and History.
2014-2015 Outstanding University Service Awards from Sacramento State
Award Ceremony Photo (March 2015) and Thank you note
2010 Outstanding Advisor Awards Runner-Up by Student Organizations & Leadership, Sacramento State
2006 NCJLT Teacher Award for the College Level. The National Council of Japanese Language Teacher (NCJLT) is an organization dedicated to the promotion and development of Japanese language teaching at all educational levels across the United States. Recently, the organization was merged with the American Teachers of Japanese Languages (AATJ).
Click here for pictures
2005 FLAGS Outstanding Teacher. Foreign Language Association of Greater Sacramento (FLAGS) is an affiliate of the California Language Teachers' Association, a non-profit, multi-language professional membership organization. Members of FLAGS teach languages other than English and ESL at all levels, kindergarten through university.

Publications/Presentations/Projects/Interests (Selected) ::
Published one book (Learning Language Through Literature 1 English Edition. まんが坊ちゃん Manga Botchan. 2011) and its workbook and website (see below). Also published 8 book chapters, approximately forty short published writings (journal articles, newspaper and newsletter articles, and commentaries on Japanese AP Exam). These publications are in the field of Japanese language pedagogy, Japanese literature, hybrid/online course development, international education, and history.
In addition, (by the end of 2019) I gave ninty-eighty (98) professional presentation/workshops, including thirty-three (33) invited lecture locally, nationally and internationally. Most recent ones was “Transformative Teaching: 7 inspiring activities empower learner and teacher” (With Mieko Avello) at the 53rd Annual American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Conference in Washington DC, Nov. 23, 2019. I also invited to talk about Japanese AP for the Illinois Association of Teachers of Japanese (IATJ) on October 19, 2019 and the Association of Northern California Japanese Language Teachers (NCJLT) on November 10, 2019 at University of California, Berkeley.
My sabbatical project (2010 & 2017-18) is a translation project of 1941-1946 diaries of an issei woman who lived in Sacramento, California.
I have developed several web pages including Usagi-chan Genki Resource page (with Andrea Shea) that has been used globally since 2002.
The followings are selected work (CV will be sent upon a written request).
< Sabbatical Research Project 2017-2018 >The Wartime Diaries of a Local Issei Woman [日記から見る日米戦争を生き抜いたある一世女性の人生]
- I transcribed (翻刻), translated(翻訳) the Japanese language World War II era diaries of Kikuyo Nakatani (1941-1946), an Issei (first generation) woman who lived in Sacramento, California. I am currently annotating her diaries. Sacramento State has Sokiku Nakatani Tearoom and Garden. Sokiku is Kikuyo's chamei (tea name).
- Published 日本にいる息子のために書き綴った一世キクヨの戦時日記:日系史再発見―戦争から何を学び、何を語りつづけて行くか― 」 『愛媛国文と教育』 第50号 (2018年3月) 10-18.
“What We Learned from WWII and Need to Pass on to Future Generation: Rediscovery of the Japanese American History through War Diaries That Issei Woman, Kikuyo, Wrote for Her Son in Japan.” Ehime Kokubun and Education, vol. 50, Mar. 2018, pp. 10–18.
< Japanese Literature and Language Teaching >
< Japanese
Language Teaching and Learning >
- Chapter 5 "Shinsai Tanka: Hisaisha no Koe" (Poems of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Voices of the Victims) in Monty’s Bridge to Tomorrow (advanced Japanese language and culture online textbook) by ScholarWorks@UA (the University of Alaska Anchorage).
- Presentations (2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010) at ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) with Mieko Avello sensei.
Visit Kazue & Mieko J- Learning and Teaching Website.
- Workshop at Teachers of Japanese in Southern California 南カリフォルニア日本語教師会: Promoting Intercultural Competence, Sunday, April 23, 2017
- Presentation, Teaching Using Technology at Ehime University in 2015 - Presentation PPT
- Constructivism - Vygotsky's educational theory
ヴィゴツキーの教育理論に基づく上級カリキュラム作成の試み “An Attempt to Develop an Advanced Level of Japanese Language Instruction Based on Vygotsky’s Educational Theory” (with Masako Taguchi). In Bulletin of the ICU Summer Courses in Japanese, Vol. 18:133-154. Tokyo, Japan: International Christian University. 2002.
< Language Assessment >
- 第7章 複式授業にけるアセスメント:文学を取り入れた日本語クラス「アセスメントと日本語教育—新しい評価の理論と実践」“Chapter 7: Assessment in multi-level courses: Case of Japanese language class that focuses on literature”) in Assessment and Japanese language education: New assessment theory and its practice.) Tokyo: Kuroshio Publisher, 2010.
- Served as a Development Committee of College Board Japanese SATII (2013-2016), AP Japanese Language and Culture Exam Development Committee or 4 years (2007-2011), and AATJ's National Japanese Exam.
< Professional Development >
< Global
<Other Professional Services >
Currently serving as Japanese AP Chief Reader (CR) and manage all aspects of College Board’s AP Japanese Language and Culture Exam. Also served as Japanese AP Chief Reader Designate (AY 2017- 2018) and AP Reading as Question/Content Leader (2011-17, 7 years); Table Leader (2010); and Reader (2008 & 2009). Also Served as Japanese Language Expert for the College Board AP World Languages Course and Exam Review Commission (AY2007-08) and College Board Best Practices Study of World Languages (AY2006-08).
Exam Item Developer: Served the College Board Japanese SATII Japanese Exam Development Committee: 2013-16 (3 years), College Board AP Japanese Language and Culture Exam Development Committee: 2007-11 (4 years), and National Japanese Exam (NJE) administrated by the American Association of Teachers of Japanese (AATJ) for 5 years.
Other Work: Served as a course developer for AATJ’s online professional development course. Language Expert for 2003 Foreign Language Primary Adoption: Report of the Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission in California. Task Force Member for “Rethinking US-Japan Educational Relationship” at State University of New York at Buffalo (1994-96).
Technology ::
CSU Course Redesign Project: AY2016-2017: ePortfolio
Service ::
Service to University, College, Department
Service to Students

Community Outreach:

Resources ::
Past Online Learning Projects
Usagi chan Web Site with Andrea Shea (Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji Learning)
Kanji Lesson (Genki L3 - 12) with Tia Riebe-Ricketts
Particle 1 | Particle 2 | Particle 3 with Briana Cruiz
Counter (Japanese) with Briana Cruiz
Verb Conjugation 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |with Rojie Calabiao
Adjective Conjugation 1 | 2 | with Rojie Calabiao

Professional Associations ::
