




Course Objectives


Successful Student Characteristics


ENGR 203. Engineering Statistics. Applications of statistics to
engineering problems. Collection and analysis of data, sampling
methods, design of experiments, probability theory, decision
theory, analysis of variance, regression analysis, and mathematical
curve fitting.

Prerequisites: ENGR 115 (Statistics for Engineers) or equivalent.

Number of Units: 3 Units

Students are expected to have a working knowledge with EXCEL.

Course Objectives

The main objective of this course is to provide the student with the basic concepts and methods that allow him/her to solve problems that otherwise cannot be solved adequately with available technical background and knowledge. The student should be able to acquire the knowledge so that he/she can efficiently collect empirical data and process the collected information. Specifically, the students, after completing the course, should be able to:

  1. Present and interpret graphical and numerical summaries of data,
  2. Develop and use probability plots for any probability distribution function,
  3. Apply the appropriate goodness-of-fit tests for probability distributions,
  4. Analyze data using standard estimation and hypotheses testing methods, and
  5. Apply the statistical techniques (linear regression, multiple linear regression, and analysis of variance) to data sets, interpret the results, and make appropriate conclusions.


Students will need an electronic mail account and computer access to the Web. All CSUS students enrolled in one or more units can create a SacLink account for electronic mail and Internet services. Although a home computer with a high speed modem running Netscape or Internet Explorer would be beneficial, students can use the Web from one of the campus student labs. Check out Computer Hardware Recommendations for CSU, Sacramento Students for more information about equipment.

Computing Recommendations

Comfortable using the computer and browsing the Web

Windows compatible Pentium running Windows NT,or Windows 95/98 or Macintosh compatible with System 8

32M RAM (preferably 64M)

28.8K or faster modem - preferably 56K

Microsoft Internet Explorer or NetScape 4.0 (or higher)

SacLink or other Internet Account

Word processing skills

Online class participation on the Web assignments and electronic discussions.

Successful Student Characteristics

  • Discipline to complete projects and assignments on time.
  • Motivation to read, write, and particpate fully in class activities.
  • Time to devote approximately 9 hours a week to a 3-credit course.
  • Ability to work independently and in teams.
  • Flexibility in dealing with technology problems. 


 More information is available on Dr. Mahmood's homepage. You may contact the instructor via e-mail at

Send problems, comments or suggestions to:

California State University, Sacramento
Department of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering and Computer Science

Updated: September 3, 2002