
Lecture Notes


Lecture Schedule

Lab Schedule

HW assignments

Exam Schedule
     (and solutions)

Quiz Solutions

Final Exam

Grade Summaries
    (after each exam)

 Chemistry 6A:

Introduction to General Chemistry (Spring 2005)   

Exam 1 summaries:
Please note that your lab scores are added in as a % of the total possibel x 200 points. If you are repeating and I don't have your previous lab scores, this number is 0. I have posted only summary totals, please see your lab instructor for individual scores. Remamber that your individual HW scores are normalized to a total of max. 50 points.

Final totals and grade assignmnets

89.9 to 100%   A- to A
79  to 88.9%    B- to B+
69 to 78.9%     C- to C+
50 to 68.9%         D
<50%                   F