R. Scott Mackey, M.A.
California State University
, Sacramento
Communication Studies Department

Fall 2007



Bio and c.v.

Published Work

CommS 122
Reading List

Communication/Journalism 122

Text Assignment

This assignment is worth 50 points


In this assignment you will be creating a print document for an audience that you will identify. The document must be at least 1500 words long. Also be aware that later in the semester you will be taking this print document's content and converting it into an interactive medium.

Step 1 - Choose a subject

You may choose any subject, but be careful of choosing one that is too narrow or too broad. The subject should be one that can be presented in both a print and interactive format.

Following are some ideas to help you decide what subject you might want to write about:

  • How to - write about how to do something (e.g., drive a car, hit a baseball, build a computer)
  • All about - write about a person, place or thing
  • Persuade someone - write about a political, social, or other cause you feel strongly about
  • History - tell about something that happened in the past
  • Compare or contrast something - football versus hockey, Paris versus San Francisco, men versus women
  • Anything else - as long as the instructor pre-approves your idea.

Step 2 - Create a profile of your intended reader

Before you begin to write about your subject, you will need to determine who you are writing for. Your audience will determine the kind of information to include as well as how to write the information. At a minimum, your audience assessment should address the following:

· Age
· Gender
· Interest in your subject
· Awareness of your subject
· Level of technical expertise about your subject
· Reading ability (reading level, English as primary language)
· Education
· Information they specifically want to know about your subject
· Things they already know about your subject

Step 3 - Write your article

Write your article applying the principles presented in this class.

Here is an example that shows how to format your assignment and some more tips on how you can do well.



Send comments or suggestions to: smackey17@yahoo.com

Updated: July 21, 2007