Every week you are required to submit a journal entry for the week; it will be worth 3 points.

Pages xv-xvii of your reader provide information about and an example of a journal entry, but I will be asking you more specific questions to address.


Purpose:  to help you record ideas and/or events that have left a strong impression on you during your first semester of college, and to record your reactions to those ideas and/or events.  This record will allow you to look back and to see how your thinking and feeling processes have developed during this time.  Your journal entries will also help me to provide activities and/or readings for the further exploration of things that have interested you.




On the back of this sheet please write your first journal entry about your thoughts and feelings about going to college classes for the first time.  Was it very different from past experiences?  In what ways? How was it different from what you expected it to be?  What was particularly positive, negative, and/or interesting about going to college classes?