BIO 7:  April 27-30 Preview

Multiple Allelism:  there can be more than 2 forms of a gene, because there are many ways to change the DNA and protein, and different protein activities may cause different phenotypes.

 e.g.  In humans:          IO = seq in DNA coding for an inactive protein for attaching A and B antigens

 Possible Genotypes:

       Possible Phenotypes:




Gene Interaction is something else Mendel did not know about.  Several genes can determine one trait because many proteins encoded by genes work together in metabolic pathways to produce one final outcome.

e.g. Human hair color is determined mainly by 2 pairs of genes, which are on different pairs of chromosomes

D codes for active protein for making dark pigment and  d codes for inactive protein for making dark pigment                       

R codes for active protein for making red pigment  and   r codes for inactive protein for making red pigment

        When dark pigment is present, you cannot see the red pigment.

        Genotypes:          D_ R_                    D_ rr                    dd R_                    dd rr


        What is the expected phenotypic ratio from a mating of        Dd Rr  x  Dd Rr?












Complex Genetic Traits are due to many pair of interacting genes + the environment

        e.g. height, weight, IQ test performance

monozygotic twins

dizygotic twins

concordance;  the percentage of the time a pair of individuals shows the same form of the trait


                                                                    CONCORDANCE FOR

TRAIT                                    MONOZYGOTIC TWINS        DIZYGOTIC TWINS

Schizophrenia                                        55%                                            10%

Alcoholism                                            55%                                            28%

Blood Type                                         100%                                            66%

Epilepsy                                                72%                                            15%

Diabetes                                                65%                                            18%

Cleft Lip                                                42%                                             5%

Death by infection                                    1%                                              1%


[Which of the traits above is a complex genetic trait, a simple genetic trait, not determined by genes?]








Genes and Environment Interact:  one genotype may produce different phenotypes in different environments.

[Are cuttings genetically identical or different?]