Professor Lojo

369 Sage Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca NY 14853

Voice: 607-255-2354 

Fax: 607-254-4590


About the Professor...

Professor Lojo's research interests are the design and management of service operations in both the consumer and industrial contexts. Her current work focuses on equipment services in the semiconductor industry and their impact on technological innovation. She draws on theories based in economics and behavioral science as well as operations management, and works closely with industry participants in developing and testing empirical models. Professor Lojo has published papers in the European Management Journal and the Journal of Engineering and Technology Management. She received her Ph.D. from M.I.T. Prior to joining the Johnson faculty, she was an adjunct professor at Brandeis University and a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley.
Interesting Facts....
Upon graduation from the University of California, Berkeley, Professor Lojo and a partner co-founded the "Golden Pacific Brewing Company"  in Emeryville, California.  Read the newspaper article about it from The Oakland Tribune . After a successful four year run in the brewing industry, the business was sold and she entered the world of academia.

Some of Dr. Lojo's primary hobbies include Bernese Mountain Dogs  (she has one) and gardening.

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