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Dr. John LaRocco

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LaRocco, John B., Twomey, David P. and Roukis, George S., Report To The President By Emergency Board No. 211, U.S. Government, Washington D.C. (1986)

LaRocco, John B. and Guarino, Richard, The Duty of Fair Representation, presented at the Western Business Law Association and published in the proceedings. (1986)

LaRocco, John B. and Guarino, Richard, Recent Developments Regarding the Duty of Fair Representation, presented at the American Business Law Association Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota and published in the proceedings. (1986)

LaRocco, John B. and Guarino, Richard, The Duty of Fair Representation: Where Are We Now?, presented at the American Business Law Association meeting and published in the proceedings. (1987).

LaRocco, John B. and Guarino, Richard, A Case of Statutory Interpretation: I.C.C. v. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, Proceedings of the Western Business Law Association. (1988)

LaRocco, John B. and Bologna, Christine A., Electromation: Boon or Bane to Employee Participation Programs? Proceedings of Western Academy of Legal Studies in Business. (1993)

LaRocco, John B., Electromation in California Public Sector Labor Relations, California Public Employee Relations, University of California, Berkeley. No. 105 (April, 1994).

LaRocco, John B. and Bologna, Christine A., The National Labor Relations Board's Electromation Decision: Should The National Labor Relations Act Be Amended?, Glendale Law Review (Volume 13, Numbers 1-2) Glendale, California. (1994).

LaRocco, John B., Reforming Baseball Salary Arbitration, Arbitration: Controversy and Continuity, Proceedings of the Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the National Academy of Arbitrators. (BNA; 1995).

LaRocco, John B., Ethical Issues Confronting Labor Arbitrators, Dispute Resolution Journal. Vol. 50, No. 2 (April-June, 1995).

LaRocco, John B. Contributing Editor et al., and Leslie, Douglas H., Editor-in-Chief, The Railway Labor Act, American Bar Association's Section of Labor and Employment Law (BNA; 1995).

LaRocco, John B. and Bologna, Christine A., The National Labor Relations Board’s Electromation Decision: Should The National Labor Relations Act Be Amended? Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Seminar of the Sacramento County Bar Association’s Section of Labor and Employment Law: The Road Ahead Under the National Labor Relations Act. (1996).

LaRocco, John B., Baseball Salary Arbitration, Business Futures, CSUS - College of Business Administration (Spring 1996).

LaRocco, John B., Casebook on Legal Aspects of Human Resource Management, CSUS-RCE (1996).

LaRocco, John B., Just Cause Collides with Public Policy in Sexual Harassment Arbitrations, Proceedings of the 49 th Annual Meeting of Industrial Relations Research Association (Fall, 1997).

LaRocco, John B., Arbitration Under Railroad Employee Protection Arrangements, Chapter 5(3), Referee Manual, Wesman, Elizabeth C., Editor, National Association of Railroad Referees (1998).

LaRocco, John B.; Steinberg, Darrell S., Mea Culpa: Should a Discharged Employee’s Post-Discharge Acknowledgment of Misconduct and Rehabilitation Have Evidentiary Weight?, California Labor and Employment Law Quarterly, Vol. 12, No. 3, (Spring/Summer 1998) California State Bar Association.

LaRocco, John B., Another Voice: The Dilemma of Romance in the Workplace, (1999-02-15) Sacramento Business Journal.

LaRocco, John B., A Critique: The Inadequacies of Using Interest-Based Bargaining, California Public Employee Relations, University of California, Berkeley. No. 135 (April, 1999).

LaRocco, John B., Several Philosophical and Pragmatic Musings About Arbitration Under the Railway Labor Act, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Committee on Railway and Airline Labor Law (Section of Labor and Employment Law) American Bar Association, Napa, California. (BNA, March 2000).

LaRocco, John B., Alvayay, Jaime; and, Carper, Donald L.; Legal Environment of Business Content Survey & Assessment, Proceedings of Western Academy of Legal Studies in Business. (April 2000).

LaRocco, John B., The Dilemma of Locomotive Engineer Certification Vis-A-Vis Contractual Due Process in Discipline Cases, Narrator, Published by National Association of Railroad Referees. (April 2003).

LaRocco, John B., Contributor; Rueben, Alan, Editor-in-Chief, Elkouri & Elkouri, How Arbitration Works, Sixth Edition, Bureau of National Affairs (December 2003).

LaRocco, John B., Ambiguities in Labor Contracts: Where Do They Come From?, Dispute Resolution Journal (February - April 2004).



last updated: 07/06/2006
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