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Dr. John LaRocco

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Professional Presentations & Speeches


Professional Presentations & Speeches

1980 The Law and Collective Bargaining in Professional Sports, Loyola University of Chicago, Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, Chicago, Illinois. [Master’s Thesis]
1982 Appellate Arbitration, Southern Pacific Transportation Company, San Francisco, California.
1983 Insubordination - What Is It and How to Defend Employees Charged With It, Convention of Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes, Reno, Nevada.
1984 How to Prepare and Handle an Employee Disciplinary Case, Convention of the International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers, Las Vegas, Nevada.
1986 How to Present a Case to an Arbitrator, National Railway Labor Conference, Denver, Colorado.
1986 Reminiscing About Serving on a Presidential Emergency Board, California State University, OBE Department Retreat, Sacramento, California.
1988 Drug and Alcohol Testing in the Workplace, Convention of Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees, Reno, Nevada.
1988 Gathering Evidence to Defend an Employee Charged With Misconduct, Convention of Transportation-Communications Union, Malibu, California.
1988 Burden of Proof in Arbitration, Sacramento County Bar Association, Sacramento, California.
1989 Constitutional Issues of Employee Drug Testing, Seminar By Transportation-Communications Union, Nashville, Tennessee.
1989 How Arbitrator's Decide Cases, Industrial Relations Research Association of Northern California, Sacramento, California.
1991 Arbitrating Employment Discrimination Disputes After Gilmer, Sacramento County Bar Association, Sacramento, California.
1991 Resolving Conflicts in Testimony by Evaluating the Credibility of Witnesses, Meeting of California Department of Food and Agriculture, Monterey, California.
1993 Employee Drug and Alcohol Testing, National Railway Labor Conference, Atlanta, Georgia and San Diego, California and Chicago, Illinois.
1993 Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, State of California Data Processing Division, Sacramento, California.
1993 Electromation: Boon or Bane to Employee Participation Programs? Western Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Monterey, California.
1993 What Should Congress Do About Electromation? Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
1993 Panel Member of ADR and Employment Discrimination Claims at 1993 Annual Meeting of Academy For Legal Studies in Business, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
1993 Evidentiary Objections, American Arbitration Association, San Francisco, California.
1994 Employee Drug and Alcohol Testing, National Railway Labor Conference, San Diego, California.
1994 How To Be A Hearing Officer, Seminars for State of California - Department of Motor Vehicles, Sacramento, California.
1994 More Ethical Issues for Labor Arbitrators: Engaging in Exhibit Parte Communications and Fraternizing With the Parties, Poster Session, Industrial Relations Research Association, Boston, Massachusetts.
1994 Reforming Baseball Salary Arbitration, National Academy of Arbitrators, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
1994 Handling Claims on the Railroads and With Other Companies Having Similar Grievance Systems, Convention of International Firemen & Oilers, Las Vegas, Nevada.
1994 Moderator for the Sexual Harassment Seminar before the Sacramento Central Labor Council, Sacramento, California.
1995 Techniques For Teaching in Extension Programs, Panel Discussant at CSUS-RCE Seminar, Sacramento, California.
1995 Employee Drug and Alcohol Testing - An Arbitrator's View, National Railway Labor Conference, San Diego, California.
1995 Employee Protective Agreements, Annual Meeting of the National Association of Railroad Referees, September 15, 1995 at Chicago, Illinois.
1995 How Can Law Firms Protect Themselves From Sexual Harassment Allegations? Private Seminar (Law Firm) Sacramento, California.
1995 Opening Remarks - The Road Ahead Under the National Labor Relations Act, Ninth Annual Joint Seminar of the Labor and Employment Section of the Sacramento County Bar Association and the Industrial Relations Association of Northern California, Sacramento, California.
1996 New Developments in Employee Drug and Alcohol Testing, An Arbitrator’s Perspective, National Railway Labor Conference, San Diego, California.
1997 Update of Developments in Employee Drug and Alcohol Testing, An Arbitrator’s Perspective, National Railway Labor Conference, San Diego, California.
1998 Handling Grievances and a Role Playing Exercise, Convention of Firemen & Oilers, SEIU, Las Vegas, Nevada.
1998 Contemporary Issues in Employee Drug and Alcohol Testing: An Arbitrator’s Perspective, National Railway Labor Conference, Kansas City, Missouri.
1999 History of the Railway Labor Act and Contemporary Issues in Railway Arbitrations, Western Convention, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
2000 Several Philosophical and Pragmatic Musings About Arbitration Under the Railway Labor Act, American Bar Association, Annual Meeting of the Committee on Railway and Airline Labor Law (Section of Labor and Employment Law) Napa, California.
2001 Due Process in Employee Pre-Disciplinary Hearings, National Railway Labor Conference, Las Vegas.
2002 Mock Disciplinary Hearing, Service Employees International Union, Las Vegas, Nevada.
2003 Ascertaining Contract Ambiguities, Annual Meeting of the National Academy of Arbitrators, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
2004 The Observations of a Veteran But Humble Arbitrator on Labor Arbitration, Plenary Conference, National Arbitration Institute, San Francisco, California.
2004 Interest Dispute Resolution Process in the Airline and Railroad Industries Meeting of Industrial Relations Research Association of Northern California.
2004 Persuading the Arbitrator in Contract Interpretation Cases: Evidence of Negotiating History, Annual Meeting, National Academy of Arbitrators, Las Vegas, Nevada.
2004 Arbitrator's Code of Ethics and Ethical Issues in Railroad Labor Arbitration, Panel Moderator and Presenter of Ethical Scenarios for Labor Arbitrators, Annual Meeting, National Association of Railroad Referees, Chicago, Illinois.


last updated: 07/06/2006
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