Landslide Notes
1. What causes landslides?
- Increase in driving forces (weight of slope)
- Adding water
- Adding structures
- Decrease in resisting forces
- decrease weight at bottom of slope
- oversteepening
- removing toe of slope
- decrease friction
- adding water lubricates and reduces rock strength
2. How do people help cause landslides?
- Road cuts create oversteepened slope
- Disturbing drainage patterns, or adding water to dry slopes
- Building on old landslides
- "Cut and fill" development
- oversteepening
- fill less compacted than slope, with slip plane between
- adds weight - water and house
3. How are fires and landslides related?
- Bushes like greasewood and creosote have high oil content. When they burn,
the oil penetrates the ground and makes it impermeable. Rain sheets off, causing
debris flows