Climate Change in California
Climate change
- Cyclical evolution
of climate change
- Sharp Increase in
last 100 years
- Increase in CO2,
methane, nitrous oxide
- 200 years + 31%,
151%, 71%
- Global Temp Increase
1.1° F
Damage to State
- Higher altitude for snow pack
- Less snow pack
- Less water for summer months
- Decrease hydroelectricity output
- Decrease in recreation
- Increase in forest fires
Past Efforts to Combat Warming
- 1940’s First recognize smog
- Scientists solve problem of “gas attack”
- Combination of ozone and particulate matter
- Result of hydrocarbons in air
- 1947 – County air control
- 1959 – standard for air quality
- 1966 – regulation of tailpipe emissions
- 1977 – regulation for energy use in buildings
Future Efforts at Mitigation
- Energy efficient buildings
- Energy efficient appliances
- Energy efficient tires
- Solar homes incentive
- Reform Water use
- State Water Project
- Landfill Gas recovery
- There has been a sharp increase in climate change in the last 100 years.
- Damage in California from climate change includes less snowpack, less hydroelectric
production, and decreased recreation.
- Efforts at combating damage began in the 1940s with the discovery of smog.
- Future efforts include energy efficiency, reformed water use, and alternative