Population Notes
Doubling time
- Time required for
an exponentially growing amount to double
- Rule of 72:
- % growth rate X doubling time
= 72
- so, if population grows at
2%, it takes 36 years to double
Changing population growth
- Doubling time in 500 AD - about
700 years, 0.10% growth rate
- Doubling time in 2000 - about
50 years, 1.5% growth rate
How does population growth
- Population growth rate depends
on: Birth rate – death rate
- Replacement rate = how many children
it takes to replace the parents
- Which is 2 plus a bit to make
up for the children who die before reproducing
- So about 2.1 children per woman
on average
Thinking about countries:
- We have to take into account immigration
and emigration
- So population growth depends on
- Rate of natural increase (birth-death)
- Rate of net immigration (immigration-emigration)
- Most Western industrialized countries
have RNI near zero or even negative
- So immigration is responsible
for population increases (and emigration for decreases)
Relationships between population
growth, per capita GDP, energy use
- Per capita GDP
- GDP - domestic gross product:
a measure of the income of a country
- per capita: per person
- Population growth and GDP:
- high population growth tends
to happen in low GDP countries
- agricultural economies
where children help bring in income
- wealthier, industrial
countries - children are a cost, not an asset
- negative population growth
in moderately low GDP countries
- poor economic growth leads
young people to leave
- lack of population growth
means fewer workers, weaker economy
- highest GDP tends to go with
population growth rates near 1%
- GDP and energy use
- the higher the GDP, the higher
the energy use
So how do we manage ever
increasing energy use?
- The most effective way to control
population growth is to encourage industrialization
- Increased industrialization leads
to higher GDP
- Higher GDP means greater energy
use per person
- So the best way to control population
also leads to increased energy use per person
- Do we have sufficient energy resources
to support a fully industrialized world, even if the global population does
level off and stabilize?
If you want to look at the interactive
graphs we used in class, here's the link: www.gapminder.org/data
We looked at some of these graphs
(you can make them yourself by choosing the variables you want to see on the
drop-down menu on each axis; you can run the graphs through time by clicking
the Play button):
- Children per woman v. income per
- Children per woman v. under-five
mortality rate
- Crude birth rate v. crude death
- Life expectancy at birth v. income
per person
- CO2 map
Here are the graphs we used during
this exercise: