Population Assignment - done in class
Using the graphs below
and at Gapminder World, answer these questions:
- What is the relationship between
GDP and population growth? Is there a “best growth rate” for prosperity?
- What is the relationship between
GDP and energy use? What happens as more countries raise their standard of
- What is the relationship between
fertility and child mortality?
- What are the trends in death rate
v. birth rate?
- What ideas do you have for dealing
with population growth and increasing energy use?
Here's the link for the interactive
graphs we used in class,: www.gapminder.org/data
We looked at some of these graphs
(you can make them yourself by choosing the variables you want to see on the
drop-down menu on each axis; you can run the graphs through time by clicking
the Play button):
- Children per woman v. income per
- Children per woman v. under-five
mortality rate
- Crude birth rate v. crude death
- Life expectancy at birth v. income
per person
- CO2 map
Here are the graphs we used during
this exercise: