Nuclear Power Notes
Nuclear Reactors in the United States
- There are currently 104 commercial nuclear reactors in the United States
- California has two in operation
- The majority are located on the East coast and were built many years ago
- No new reactors have been built in the past 30 years
- Produces 70% of carbon-free electricity
- Only 20% of the energy we use is from nuclear power.
- Department of Energy contributes towards nuclear power.
- $40 million towards research and development of nuclear power plants
in the United States.
- The United States is ranked first in energy usage in the world.
- Measured in tonnes in oil equivalent per person per year.
- The United States has an equivalent of 8.35 tonnes in oil equivalent
- Developed European countries average 5.0 per year.
How Nuclear Power Works
- Electricity is generated through the process of fission,
using the element Uranium as fuel
- It is a non-renewable energy source
- In a nuclear reactor, the atoms of uranium are hit with neutrons, and the
atoms break apart
- When the atoms break apart, heat is a byproduct
- This process is called fission
- Another byproduct is nuclear waste
- The heat generated is used to boil water and create steam
- The steam is used to power turbines which generate electricity
- Uranium is used to fuel nuclear power
- It is unstable and slightly radioactive
- Uranium is found throughout the Earth’s crust
- So how do we get uranium out of the crust?
Uranium Mining
- Prior to 2004 there were 5,000 companies with uranium mining rights in the
United States, today there are over 32,000
- The majority of mines are located in the Western United states where there
are over 14,000 mines
- Open Pit (Surface) Mining
- This method is used when the uranium ore is close the the surface
- It is dug out of the ground using heavy machinery
- The displaced soil is stored nearby until the mining is complete
- When complete, the soil is used to to fill in the mine
- Underground Mining
- This method is used when the uranium is deeper in the ground
- Natural pillars and walls are left in the mine to provide support
- Ore and soil are moved out of the mine with rail cars
- Heap Leaching
- Heap leaching is used to remove the uranium from the ore that was obtained
using open pit or underground mining
- The rock is crushed to sand-sized particles and deposited in a heap
onto a pad of clay or coated concrete
- A sprinkler sprays the leaching solution onto the pile, as it trickles
down it moves the uranium with it
- The solution is then processed to remove the uranium and made into yellowcake
- This process is no longer common in the U.S.
- In-Situ Leaching
- In situ leaching is the most common type of uranium mining, it is also
the most economical
- Injection wells are drilled on either side of a production well
- The injection wells pump lixiviant into the ground, which dissolves
the uranium and it flows to the production well
- Lixiviant is a mixture of carbon dioxide, water, and oxygen
- From the production well the solution is processed to make yellowcake
Risks of Uranium Mining
- There are health and environmental hazards associated with uranium mining
- In situ leaching reduces risks to miners from dust, accidents, and radiation
- Groundwater can be contaminated
- After mining, the groundwater is returned to EPA drinking water maximum
contaminant limit levels if possible
- The leaching solution can permeate the area and not be able to be removed
- Health hazards are currently under debate
- Exposure to uranium can affect the renal system and cause problems with
the urinary tract and kidneys
- According to a branch of the CDC, there is no link to naturally-occurring
uranium ore and cancer
- Other groups say that there is a direct link
Uranium Enrichment
- Uranium 238: Mined in its natural form Uranium Oxide (U3O8)
- Only 1% of mined of Uranium 238 contains Uranium 235
- Uranium 235 is fissile Uranium needed for nuclear reactions.
- Enriching Uranium 235: The process of increasing Uranium 238 to approximately
4% Uranium 235.
Next Generation Nuclear Power
- Traditional nuclear reactors are light water reactors
- Water is used to cool the Uranium during the fission process.
- These reactors operate at approximately 300¾ Celsius.
- Next Generation Nuclear Plants
- HTGC (High Temperature Gas Cooled) reactors.
- Helium is used to cool the reactors.
- NGNP reactors operate between 750¾ and 900¾ Celsius.
- 100 times more energy yield from the same amount of Uranium 235.
Risks of Nuclear Power
- Radioactive nuclear waste: Currently no long-term disposal plan
- Cost: It is expensive to build power plants, can cost several billion dollars
- Risk of catastrophe
- If a nuclear reactor fails there is potential for a major disaster
- Hundreds of thousands were exposed to radiation when the Chernobyl plant
failed in1986, responsible for approximately 4,000 deaths
- Three Mile Island (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania): The reactor was damaged,
but the radiation was contained
- There is little public support: Due to the above factors, there is little
support for new nuclear reactors to be built
Benefits of Nuclear Power
- Zero carbon emissions
- As the Earth’s population grows, the demand for electricity will
- This increase in demand will generate even more carbon emissions that
contribute to climate change, unless we use low or zero carbon emission
sources of energy
- Small amounts of waste generated
- Nuclear power generates two thousand tons of waste annually in the United
States, while over two BILLION tons of carbon dioxide is produced annually
from burning coal
- Fuel source is abundant in the U.S. and throughout the world
- Uranium is found throughout the Earth’s crust (1% concentration),
high concentrations (10-20%) in Australia and Canada
- Dependable and cheap source of electricity
- Operating costs are about the same as coal
- More reliable than renewable sources of energy
- Compared to solar:
- Photovoltaic Cells
- Higher startup costs:$15 per Megawatt
- More expensive to operate: Approximately 25 cents per Kwh.
- Nuclear Power Plant -
- Lower startup costs.$3.75 per Megawatt.
- Less expensive to operate.Approximately 1.85 cents per Kwh.
- Much safer than in the past
- Chernobyl accident was the result of a poor design and undertrained
- New jobs would stimulate local economies in isolated areas in the United
States that have been hit hard during the recession.