Geology 140 - Environmental Geology | |||||
Course Syllabus | Course Schedule | Assignments | Department Home Page |
1.For your topic, brainstorm at least five search terms here.
2. Now find one background resource on the Web by searching Google. List the URL of the Website here. Figure out who wrote the text and assess their credibility. Is this a trusted site? What is your evidence? What might you not trust about this information?
3. From your background resource, find at least three new search terms:
4. Now take your search terms and go to the multidisciplinary database, Academic
Search Premier. Find a minimum of three relevant sources. Add each reference
to your search folder (folder icon at top right-hand side of article summary).
Then mail the references to yourself. Print out the e-mail and attach it to
this handout to turn in.
5. Now take your search terms and go to two additional library databases. From
each of these databases, find three relevant sources and mail the references
to yourself. How you do it will vary with the database you have chosen. Choose
from these possibilities (pick from the areas that make the most sense for your
Newspapers: Proquest (global) Newsbank (California) Factiva |
Govt/Policy/Law: CQ Electronic Library GPO Access Lexis/Nexis |
Geology: Georef |
Environment: Environment Index PubMed (health issues) |
For number 4 and 5, you will need a total of at least 9 references (3 from Academic Search Premier, and 6 from two of the other databases). DO NOT turn in your entire search – just three good sources from each database.
6. Now search a government
website using your best search terms. Find a list at
Some agencies you might look at include:
California | Federal |
California Geological Survey Department of Water Resources Department of Toxic Substances Cal EPA |
US Geological Survey Natl Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) EPA |
Find a list of California Agencies
at: |
Find US agencies at: |
Print out the results and attach to this handout to turn in.