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- George Judd Course Syllabus: Science Methods
Course Instructor CSUS Office: Eureka (Ed) 401
George Judd, email: juddgeo@yahoo.com or juddg@csus.edu Phone: 391-0893 (Home)
Required Textbooks
Barba, R.H., (1998) Science in the Multicultural Classroom. MA: Allyn & Bacon
Course Description
Curriculum and Instruction In Elementary School Science: The course gives participants the knowledge of basic principles and strategies related to science education appropriate for general education (K-8) teacher candidates. The course will include discussion, participation in such classroom activities as presentations and demonstrations. We will take an exploratory approach to teaching and learning science including ways of organizing science education at the various elementary grade levels and developing demonstration techniques and laboratory experiences for students. Participants will also develop, implement, and evaluate science curricula appropriate for those students receiving special education services. This includes a treatment of science pedagogy, manipulatives, technological supports, accommodations, inclusive instructional techniques, and other strategies specially suited to the instruction of all pupils. Participants will be exposed to a variety of exploratory science curricula and to thematic units integrating science with other subjects. This means that we, as teachers, will collaborate to create, deliver, and assess curriculum, and that our students will work together to explore the world around them.
Participants will develop and present a unit to their students and assess the results.
The class may include planning, teaching and evaluating a practicum unit. The purpose of the practicum unit is to give the student practice in conceptualizing, planning, teaching and evaluating a series of lessons in a classroom setting at the chosen grade level/s.
Lessons will be selected and /or written by the student. The unit must be focused in one of the science content concept areas. The concepts, and skills to be taught must be specified in an overview page that will be the first page in the unit. The unit must have at least four separate lessons for each team member each with an appropriate plan format. The lessons must be sequenced to provide the learners with an increasing knowledge of the concept and facility at using and internalizing the concepts and skills. The final page page of the unit will be a summary reflective evaluation of the unit including any changes that were made as the unit was delivered and adjusted to better “fit” the learners. The Unit is due on the date specified and instruction to the learners must be completed before the summary is written.
Course Goals/Purpose:
To help and encourage the learner to develop a philosophy of science education and to learn behaviors appropriate to that philosophy.
Encourage a positive attitude in learning and teaching science
To show the learner the worthiness of teaching science
To show the learner ways through which children learn science
To build confidence in learners so that they can become successful science teachers.
To introduce the learner to a variety of teaching strategies.
Model a variety of presentation formats for exploring science concepts
To acquaint the learner with models, teaching aids and manipulative devices that can be used in science instruction with students having special needs.
To provide learners opportunities to work with and to share ideas with their peers.
Inspire enthusiasm for teaching science in an engaging environment across the curriculum
Provide an awareness of the constructivist nature of learning science concepts
Assist in the integration of science into other subject areas
In accordance with :
Standards of Program Quality and Effectiveness for the Subject Matter Requirement for the Multiple Subject Teaching Credential State of California California Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Distinct or integrated coursework in earth science, life science and physical science includes laboratory or another tactile (hands-on) learning experiences that engage each prospective teacher in observing, recording, analyzing and interpreting scientific phenomena. At least one science course includes a laboratory
Content Specifications in Science
Part II: Subject Matter Skills and Abilities Applicable to the Content Domains in Science
Candidates for Multiple Subject Teaching Credentials know how to plan and conduct a scientific investigation to test a hypothesis. They apply principles of experimental design, including formulation of testable questions and hypotheses, and evaluation of the accuracy and reproducibility of data. They distinguish between dependent and independent variables and controlled parameters, and between linear and nonlinear relationships on a graph of data. They use scientific vocabulary appropriately (e.g., observation, organization, experimentation, inference, prediction, evidence, opinion, hypothesis, theory, and law). They can select and use a variety of scientific tools (e.g., microscopes) and know how to record length, mass, and volume measurements using the metric system. They interpret results of experiments and interpret events by sequence and time (e.g., relative age of rocks, phases of the moon) from evidence of natural phenomena. They can communicate the steps in an investigation, record data, and interpret and analyze numerical and non-numerical results using charts, maps, tables, models, graphs, and labeled diagrams. They make appropriate use of print and electronic resources, including the World Wide Web, in preparing for an investigative activity. Candidates communicate the steps and results of a scientific investigation in both verbal and written formats.
California Standards for the Teaching Profession
Teachers exhibit strong working knowledge of subject matter and student development.
Teachers organize curriculum to facilitate students' understanding of the central themes, concepts, and skills in the subject area.
Teachers interrelate ideas and information within and across curricular areas to extend students' understanding.
Teachers use their knowledge of student development, subject matter, instructional resources and teaching strategies to make subject matter accessible to all students.
Course Requirements
attend and participate in all class sessions
create a portfolio of your work, complete with specified reflections
work with a team to create, assess, and present (at least in part) a thematic, science centered unit. The unit will be taught to students and evaluated.
there will be a quiz on each set of the of the assigned Chapter(s) readings.
Grading: Grades will depend on:
quizzes and class attendance with active and cooperative class participation.
the timely submission of 8 science lessons you did with students.
journal reflections and portfolio.
science thematic unit (a copy of your group’s project) and completion of the final.
At the second to the last class, you will be expected to bring the following to class:
your portfolio, well organized (to be checked, shared in group and kept by you)
your lessons and work done with your class
a copy of your science unit ( turn in one copy per group for Mr. Judd to keep)
The last two classes will involve a short presentation by each group of their science
unit, as well as shared reflection time, and the final.

The following assignments
are due on the dates indicated.
Due Date
Enter Assignment Title: and brief
description of assignment.

Grades and Grading Policy
Enter your course grading information
in the table below.
A |
Outstanding achievement;
you might want to link to an "A" paper or project |
minimum points
or percentage |
B |
Excellent performance;
clearly exceeds course requirements |
minimum points
or percentage |
C |
Average |
minimum points
or percentage |
D |
Passed, but not
at average achievement standards |
minimum points
or percentage |
F |
Failure to meet class requirement |
minimum points
or percentage |
Enter information on the department's policy for issuing incompletes. |

Students will need an electronic
mail account and computer access to the Web. All CSUS students enrolled in
one or more units can create a SacLink
account for electronic mail and Internet services. Although a home computer
with a high speed modem running Netscape or Internet Explorer would be beneficial,
students can use the Web from one of the campus student labs.
Computing Recommendations
You should be comfortable using
a computer and willing to browse the Web. This class requires online class
participation on the Web assignments and electronic discussions.
You need:
- Macintosh compatible with System
10 (OS X) or higher or Windows compatible Pentium running Windows 98 or XP.
- 128 MB of RAM
- 56K modem or faster connection
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 5
or Netscape 6 (or higher)
- SacLink or other Internet Account
- Word processing skills

and Materials
Required: The text
for the course this semester is/are:
You can purchase books through
the Hornet Bookstore. Check their
Online Textbook Sales page at http://www.foundation.csus.edu/bookstore/textbooks/
for ordering information.